Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stuffed Toys

My children have so many stuffed toys given by friends and family   but they are not very  fond of playing with it so I send most of them to my family back home.  That's why I wondered when my daughter told me that she really wanted the Dinosaur stuffed toy that their Science teacher is giving as a reward at their class.  She has been doing extra curricular activities  and  doing extra homework just to  gain the points that she need and she won it.
 I told my daughter that she  learned the lesson of  the value of  her effort.  I said, when you work hard on something, you appreciate it more.  That's why  even though she isn't fond of stuffed toys, this one is particularly special because she worked hard for it.  I told her that it is like that in real life when  she grow up.
Even Mr. Burrito was very proud of her sister's hard work.  Hubby and I told both of them that it is very important to do the best that they can with everything because when they  succeed,  the feeling of contentment and satisfaction is  genuine compared to the feeling of happiness when you get something  that you did not work for.

One specific example that we give them is getting groceries from the store.  With us, we budget  our grocery because we pay for everything, there is no free.  No offense meant for  posting this   but we gave our kids the example of those who have  welfare card.  You can see their   shopping cart so full of stuff in the store and that is because  the  money they are using to pay for it  is  not from their own hard labor, it is a hand me down from the government.  I am not saying this because I am jealous but I am just  stating the fact.  We told our kids that  we might not have   all those expensive stuff but  we are  satisfied of what we have because we  pay for it with our own money.  Money that we work for.  


  1. I don't mind both...basta!

  2. None taken! I don't find it fair for one person to have to work their a** off so someone else can benefit from this. I know not everyone on welfare is a lazy person who can only demand for more, unfortunately every single person I know personally who is on welfare is lazy, ungrateful, and entitled. You are doing a great job by teaching your kids that they have to work hard to get what they want...instead of simply going the easy way. KUDOS!

  3. awwwwe. i say there is this only specific stuff toys i bet kids would hold on to. like my son he got so many of them too but i end up sending it to my family back home however he finally found that stuff toy that he wants to hang on to and it was the furry dog

  4. Your teaching them a value for their hard work and that's what they'll learned from it. Good job!

  5. That's a really big stuff toy and I'm sure the kids would enjoy that stuff toy.

  6. Uh oh! pictures weren't loading. You are definitely doing great job in raising your kids mami rose and yes I agree with you about those people using welfare cards or EBT. I work as a cashier and it hurts me to see them having lots of goodies in their card and the fact that they look like they are able bodied person, while us paying for our groceries from our own pocket can barely afford seafood like shrimps.

  7. no wonder why she love that stuffed toys, because dinosaur sa huggable[only the toy one] and the colorful one too.

  8. awwwwwwww...way to go Rye! what a great and valuable lesson to learn.

  9. There's so much stuffed toy here in my house mare. Need to donate or send them back home to my nieces.

  10. Good job, little miss! It really is more special when we work hard to achieve it.

  11. i also give away some of our stuff toys..Iris not into that stuff also..but she has this henny stuff toy that she like since she was 3months old. Before dinadala pa namin ito kong saan kami pupunta especially kong mag overnight kami..kasi hindi sya tatahan sa kakahanap ng stuff toy nya. hahaha. KOrek mommy rose..even iris at an early age i teach her to value things.

  12. I love the color of that stuffed toy! It looks pleasing to the eyes :) Your words to your children really matter so always remind them of what doing best in everyday can make them feel :)

  13. Before, I thought that every kid loves stuffed toys until my daughter Triz was born. She is the type who isn't into any thing at all that has a face. She was given lots of stuffed toys as presents but she never really enjoyed playing with one. Until the little sister was born and is too opposite. Now, both of them enjoy playing stuffed toys because of the little T. Now that dino stuffed toy is really cute and lovely no wonder Ms. Burrito got interested on it! :)

  14. I sent some stuffed toys to my family in the Philippines too, they were given to us too but I had too many and my kids didn't really care. They only saved few like stuffed dog and some that moves and make music. I agree about giving more value on something you work hard in order to earn it. I just adore your daughter sis, she is amazing.

  15. My kids both love their stuffed toys even giving names to each of them. So even I and hubby call these toys by their names. I also teach to my kids the value of money. They can't easily have want they ask from us. I always tell them that they have to work for it. By giving them simple responsibilities at home they get to be rewarded.

  16. Awww! Sis Rose your Miss Burrito is so beautiful :-) I bet she takes care of her new dino stuf toy. Even Mr. Burrito is proud of his big sister :-)

  17. Two thumbs up for Ms. Burrito. ♥
    She's really a bright girl. I can feel the pride you have for her Ate, while reading this post! Kudos to you and hubby! ♥

  18. at a young age, she already learned a valuable lesson to work hard with a the end she'll value the result of her effort...we also shop in budget doesn't come that easy and my boy knows that if we say we can't buy a certain toy bec. it's so expensive, he understood to settle for cheaper toy with the same feature:)


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