Monday, March 24, 2014

Frustration & Parenting

Our daughter constantly work on something. Her mind does not want to be idle even a bit. When she is not doing crafts, she is reading books, or doing some sketches. The problem is when the result of her work is not up to her satisfaction, she gets frustrated and always end up crying.
My husband was explaining to her that  she has to be patient when working on something.  He said that when you  made a mistake, to not get frustrated but instead  use it to  do better next time.
This is what she was working on that made her upset.  I told her that what she did actually looks good.  Well for someone like me who doesn't know how to draw, this is pretty good, I think.
My daughter is like my husband, they are  a bit  of a perfectionist.  If they can't attain the  end result that they are  hoping for, they get frustrated.  For me,  I  always give it a break and come back the other time to figure it out.  Parenting can sometimes a clear reflection of  our traits.  We can see ourselves in our kids of how they perceive on things.  


  1. oh dear, sometimes kids just have to be patient and we can't force them to be one, they are always impatient but with parents guidance i'm sure we will help them deal and control themselves...

  2. I hear yeah,sis. My daughter has no patience as well, she is perfectionist, organized and the worst part it needs everything clean in her bedroom or else she won't sleep. I know it's frustrated considering i'm not perfectionist over some thing.I always explain my daughter, she needs to get to use to it life is not all about achievement,beautification- but what she accomplished and learn from it- and giving her best. BTW her sketch is pretty good at her age.I can't draw like that-hehehe

  3. oh, poor thing! she did a fantastic job, though....tell her, I'll treat her some ice cream when we see each other again...hehhehe! I love the picture when john comforted sweet!

  4. oh, never saw Rylie in such emotions, hopefully, in time she'll learn to be more forgiving of her mistakes, and just like what her dad told her, use those mistakes to be better next time.

  5. same with my daughter too. she was trying to draw this mermaird that her frend sent to her last xmas. and she gets frustrated because the drawing is not look like. i said it doesn't have to be exactly the same oh well that's kids hehe x0~

  6. awwww... her drawing is really good,!! i could not even draw something like that. I remember drawing my dog and it end up looking like a pig or something

  7. Your daughter did a good job. Constant practice makes it better. When I was her age, I can't draw as good as her.

  8. The first picture is touching! One can really feel her emotions by looking at the picture. I am the same... and my father is my to-go person every time I am frustrated.

  9. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist especially if it needs to be in exact details but there are times that if I think it's not perfect but it looked good, then I'm good with it! :)

  10. That little cutie looks so upset. I can certainly empathize with her because just like her and your hubby, I'm also a perfectionist. I want things done perfectly the first time, no ifs and buts hahaha.

  11. I actually like the drawing !! I actually like this Schnauzer? Maybe I can have a copy and hang or paste it in my wall for my dog room?? were most of my customers in myfurryplace can see ??
    I will truly appreciate it . thanks . email :

  12. It's good that her brain is well stimulated, Rose. On another note, the photo of her crying is very upsetting. I either get mad or cry out in frustration when I don't get what I want. So yeah, she's not alone. LOL!


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