Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Read Your Heart Out

Friday night is  fun for the kids as we let them stay a little late than usual.    They get to  watch TV with us until 10 pm. These photos were taken last weekend after enjoying our pizza dinner. 
Weekend does not mean free of homework for my kids.  We still do stuff like reading, I let them read 20 minutes a day.  I am so impressed of the progress that my 6 year old son has in reading.  He  is reading his Bible on the first video and reading another book on the second video.  

  • Reading is fun for the kids when you are there for them.  They won't be interested if you  just tell them to read by themselves.  You have to get involve.
  • To make sure that your kids understand what they read, ask them questions afterwards.  This is when the reward system comes in our  home.  I asked them questions and I give them stickers for every right answers.  They tend to pay attention to what they read that way.  At least for my kids, it works effectively.
  • Use index cards  for them to  write their answers to avoid copying.
My children are very competitive so sometimes, they would ask for more question just so they could accumulate more rewards.    It seems not fair for the young one but he actually can compete with his sister.  I am grateful to have two wonderful kids, I couldn't ask for more.

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  1. A great way to spend family time.

  2. it's great to hear mr. buritto's voice, so cute. good job, keep it up!

  3. Lovely glimpses of family time! Always special!

  4. Hi Rose! I always enjoy your family shots! Happy weekend! :-)

  5. What parents must do is not force the kids to read...however, if you are fond of reading and you read a lot, your children will pick up on that and wand to read themselves. And will - ours are big readers still. Your encouragement to read is what drives them into reading. Parents being involved is what is so important!

  6. reading is awesome...something they will carry with them as they grow.

  7. My bad sometimes i only let my son read by himself...You are really a good teacher...

  8. We also let them stay a bit late on Friday night. You have a wonderful family and ;) adorable kids!

  9. reading is fun! hehehe....:) likewise with Akesha...she stay up late pag weekend...ehehee!

  10. Beautiful photos. My kids love reading and we read a book everyday too.

  11. I love the fact that you two do so much for your kids!!! You're awesome parents.

  12. it is so good that you and your husband interact with your kids in this way... they will always love learning.

  13. Great job! Speaking as a retired teacher... if you teach them to love reading at an early age they will always love it

  14. great time to bond with dearly love family

  15. What a lovely way to sepnd a Fri. night! Great photos of your family!

  16. My mother always encouraged us to read. Now 50 years later, my brother and I both are avid readers. Even when life took us in different directions, the love of books kept us close.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Lea's Menagerie

  17. Friday nights are the best time to spend with the family.

    Liz (mot)

  18. reading with family is indeed priceless, or any fun time activity for that matter. today is Friday, thank God! You want to follow me back in GFC thanks

  19. the family burritos that never runs out of things to do. bless your family, rose. and bless you more for keeping your family value love and togetherness.

    (i saw that i've commented on your leprechaun i browse here instead^_^)


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