Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Communion Dress

Ms. Burrito is having her first communion sometime in May.  We have been looking for communion dress in the mall in Steubenville but I could not find one.  I looked  online and found  so many but the prices are just way too high.  Then I  got to thinking, maybe someone   has it in Listia, an  online place where I am an active member.  I searched for it and voila, I found  one that fits my baby girl's size.  

The dress is new.  The former owner said that she bought it for her  daughter  but never got to wear it as it was too small.  I bid on it and won the auction using the points I have from the site.  I only paid shipping fee and am so glad because it saved me a good bit of money.
She's wearing my wedding gloves on this photo.
She tried the dress yesterday and it fits her perfectly.  I still have to get her a veil and a pair of shoes.  She has a pair of white shoes in the closet and we did not realized how big her feet has grown in just a matter of months, whew. She is wearing her  Cinderella shoes in these photos.  I was going to make her a veil out of my wedding veil but I thought of preserving it so I would just buy one for her to use.  
As you can see in the photos, even  though she's smiling, she was fevered  that time.  She is still feeling a little bit down  today.  I hope that she would get better soon.  Have a great week everyone!


  1. A pretty lady in her lovely dress.

  2. Beautiful child and dress is exquisite ~ great photos ~ thanks for hosting SSS2

  3. Such a cheerful young lady even when she is feeling so poorly! The dress is beautiful.

  4. Simply lovely!

    Hope you are having a fabulous weekend****

  5. She look's beautiful, I remember my first communion, the photo's brang back memories. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Adorable Ms. Burrito looks lovely in that dress! Hope she is feeling better now.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. What a beautiful dress, and a lovely little girl.

  8. Love the dress. She is so pretty. Have a fabulous week!

    Liz (yacb)

  9. Hope she's feeling better. She looks lovely in her dress.

  10. she looks so cute and I love her hairdo!

  11. What a pretty girl...with a beautiful smile.

  12. oh I hope she has fully recovered by now....she looks pretty even when not feeling well...such a great model...say hi to your little Miss for me and tell her I am a fan :)

  13. that sure was a great buy! that lovely dress looks great on your daughter. perfect choice for a communion dress.

  14. your daughter looks like a princess in the outfit!

  15. She looks more beautiful in the new dress.

  16. she looks nice; hope she stays well
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  17. What a very precious little lady you have mare. :) Love her dress!

  18. so pretty and i love her dress and cinderalla shoes of course hehhehe. she look so lady like for her age

  19. she look fabulous in her communion dress.. who would have thought that she has fever on that day, as she is smiling good on the cam..

  20. She is such a sweet sport to let you take her pics when she was feeling under the weather. She is absolutely stunning!!

  21. She really love her dress!!! good job mommy!

  22. She is pretty in white. Lovely little girl

  23. Listia is an online auction? Is it the same as ebay? you got a pretty great deal there girl. The dress is so pretty and of course Rylie is such as Princess.

    1. Mommy Liz, it's a free auction.. Not like ebay where you bid money, at listia you can get free stuff without spending money..

  24. Very pretty dress on a beautiful little girl! Hope she feels better soon.
    You did some smart shopping on this one for sure!

  25. She looks gorgeous! Hope she feels better very soon!

  26. Back here again mommy Rose. Such a pretty young woman in a lovely dress. :) Congrats on winning it from the auction. Great purchase!

  27. It's the prettiest communion dress ever. :)
    Very princess-like.

  28. It's the prettiest communion dress ever. :)
    Very princess-like.

  29. Gorgeous Girl!

  30. She really looks good on her dress. She's so pretty little girl. I hope she's feeling good at this moment.

  31. Ohhh she's a princess and beautiful! My daughter would love that dress :))

  32. love that dress. the swirly edges are fabulous. that is a good find. glad the princess is well now.

  33. aw.. she have grown so much. look at her.. i bet you are very proud sis. Ms Burrito look so adorable in her gown.


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