Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Peace Sign

I am not sure why every time, I have to take a picture of my Burritos, they would always give me the peace sign hehehe.
Time do fly by so fast.  It seems like it was just yesterday when I had these two and now they are getting bigger and bigger each day.
Pink Saturday


  1. Always enjoy seeing what your little ones are up to. I really love the last shot of the two.

  2. Happy Pink Saturday! They are so cute, enjoy every minute with them they grow up too fast. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  3. They are darling - and they will get bigger and bigger and you will be so glad you kept these memories. Peace Out this Pink Saturday.

  4. Not only a re they getting bigger and bigger but also cuter and cuter. Yes, time does fly. My energy has been down with so much heat, looking forward to fall, hopefully my energy will return with the falling leaves. Hugs...Lu

  5. So cute! Thank you for your visit and Happy Pink Saturday! Enjoy your weekend.


  6. Very cute! Thanks for your visit and Happy Pink Saturday. Enjoy your weekend.


  7. Peace and Love Kids!!! So cute on the porch! Thanks for visiting...Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  8. Enjoy them while you can. Children do grow up so fast and then they are gone. Not always literally but you do loose a good deal when they are no longer under your roof. Fortunately, the digital age makes capturing lots of memories so much easier and cheaper then the old film photography did.

    Like so many of my generation I have only a few photos of me as a child. You have very lovely and blessed children.

  9. They do get so big! So sweet and very beautiful, too! Enjoy them while you can... I know how time flies!

  10. I just wrote you a post but I'm not sure it worked so I'm stopping by again to say hello and what beautiful burritos you have! :0)

  11. My daughter used to have a Crissie doll just like that with the pink dress.

  12. So adorable. That is one big doll too..

    Visiting from PS- hope you can stop by..


  13. Happy Pink Saturday. I am so glad you joined us today, and I appreciate you always making Pink Saturday special.

    My grandson does that, too. I believe they think it is cool. They are cuties.

  14. They are so cute! I hope your Saturday was filled with Pink and Happiness!

  15. Adorable photos. :) Thanks so much for stopping by.


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