Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ninety Years of Happiness

We celebrated my father-in-law's 90th  birthday  this past Saturday at my BIL's residence in Chester.  Ninety years is quite an accomplishment isn't it?   wish I could live that long.   We invited two of her sisters but  only Aunt Peg came.  Dad was so happy to see his sister once again.
Here are some of the photos I took. 
The eye doctor advised  Dad not to drive anymore  because of his eye condition so I think, this is the last month that he drives.  May God bless my FIL more years to spend with us.


  1. Lovely happy photo. My father turned 90 last year. You may have seen the pic:) Thanks for contributing to Mandarin Orange Monday.

  2. I love seeing older folks happy and enjoying life. I take care of a lady who is 95. God bless her, she does pretty good. I hope I can get around and enjoy my family when I reach that age. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Happy Birthday to John's Dad!
    90 years is a lot to celebrate. He must have good genes - he looks wonderful. It was nice his sister came. Sounds like he doesn't see her often. The picture of them hugging is priceless.
    May he celebrate many more birthdays with all of you!

  4. I love human interaction photos, that embrace shot evokes such feeling!
    We have two rural neighbors here in their 90's. Mr. Jacobson is 95, and delivers us apples all late summer & fall. He drives, but doesn't walk, so I have many long talks with him in his vehicle.
    Our other, closer neighbor, Marianne, lives across a field from us, and is 93. She still lives on 400 acres independently. AMAZING to have these wonderful people in our lives, and our kids' lives.

  5. Happy birthday FIL...love your "pops" of blue!

  6. What a wonderful celebration !Happy 90th Birthday To your FIL! It looks like everyone is having fun ! Great Pics!

  7. Oh my gush I do not know if I can live that far! ^_^ And to have two siblings in that age is more than remarkable. I know what matters in life is faith and family no more than that. ^_^ I see the smile of your FIL he is surely happy!! ^_^ Ohhh it made me teary eyed! ^_^


  8. What a great celebration of life. Times spent with family, celebrating the family, are the best times of all.

  9. How nice that you were able to celebrate his 90th birthday with him.

  10. Lovely family you have, God Bless your father-in-law more life to spend with the family. Thanks for dropping by Happy Blue Monday!

  11. Wow, congrats! Me, too hoping to live that long:)

    Visiting from MOM- hope you can stop by..



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