Thursday, July 26, 2012


There's always  a first time for everything right?  With my 7 years of living here in the States,  the very first time  I saw a rainbow was  last month when we were driving home from Kennywood.  My husband saw it in the rear view mirror so the only  way I could take a picture of it is through the back window of our car.  
"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."
-Lord Byron-
Not a perfect shot but at least I got to capture it and I got to see  a rainbow for the first time in 7 years lol.

Link  with me every Friday through ColoConnection.  You can post any color that you like.  


  1. That is a long time without seeing a rainbow. Thankyou for calling by my photography blog and leaving a comment on my ABC Wednesday post, much appreciated.

  2. Every rainbow is beautiful regardless of how you took the photo. Diane

  3. Very beautiful photo for SWF!I love rainbows!Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!

  4. A rainbow is a special gift, from any view.

  5. Any pots of gold? Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. I love rainbows and that's a good one. We're lucky enough to see a few each year because we get frequent summer thunderstorms just before the sun goes down, so the sun can shine through the rain at just the right angle.

  7. A very special capture and a beautiful rainbow! A gift indeed! Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend!

  8. Well your first USA rainbow was a good one.

  9. A lovely rainbow, Rose. It seemed the rainbow caught you :)
    I didn't see rainbow for a long time here.

  10. Not a perfect shot but a perfect capture.

  11. What an awesome sight! I seldom see rainbows these days, too. I don't even remember when I last saw a rainbow here in the Philippines.

  12. What an awesome sight! I seldom see rainbows these days, too. I can't even remember when I last saw a rainbow here in the Philippines.

  13. 7 years? not like you, in my country, we will find rainbow after the rain.

    Amiko @ Maipikucha

  14. a most unique shot of a perfect rainbow.....

  15. Lovely rainbows you're showing :0) You got it :0)

  16. It's amazing the we seldom see the rainbow abroad. I often saw it when I was in the Philippines.

    Did you notice the stars, too? If you're living in the city, you see, so much stars as I'd experienced in our country.

    Lovely captured, sis?

    Happy w/end.


  17. Rainbows are so special and beautiful and I am so glad you got to see one. We had one over the house and lake yesterday. My husband came running in to tell me and before I could get outside to see it, it was gone. They are a beautiful sight to see but so elusive. Happy Pink Saturday. :)

  18. Lovely rainbow! I wish you a great sunday!

  19. God's promise that He will never flood the earth again! Beautiful!

  20. Great photos ~ have a recent pic of a rainbow also on my blog ~ Love rainbows in nature ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Very beautiful rainbow! Something good will happen for you.

  22. for some reasons, the sight of rainbow always gives me hope..

    a visit from kim!

  23. I saw a double rainbow yesterday afternoon after a storm. Aren't rainbows just magical? Have a great weekend!

  24. How wonderful that you were able to capture the rainbow. Have a great weekend!


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