Saturday, July 28, 2012

Edge Trimmer

My father-in-law has this manual yard edge trimmer.  My husband  showed the Burritos how to use it  when we visited Dad a couple of days ago.
Children's curiosity is a great way to introduce them to  things like this one.
I like this kind of trimmer because  you do not need to charge it or  put string  in it to cut grass.  The next day after my husband showed   our kids  how to use the trimmer, we saw Dad's neighbor using their   manual  lawn mower which I found to be very neat and practical to use. I'd love to own  manual  lawn mower and trimmer because it is  convenient and cheaper to use.  You don't need  gas  to operate them and it's not  as noisy as the electric ones.
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  1. Looks like a excellent machine..think i need one :0) Lovely shots :0) Have a nice weekend :0)

  2. Now if they'll just keep doing the lawn. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Wonderful ways of connecting and bonding with the kids...! and also getting them to learn something useful ;)

  4. Wonderful father and kids moments together. This will be cherished forever.

  5. The trimmer must be sharp
    and looks like puppy is also very curious.

  6. Beautiful picture you show ...
    Wishing you a good weekend :)
    Hanne Bente

  7. I have one of those too! They really are much easier to use than the gas/electric one! Looks like your dog thinks it's a play toy! Enjoy the day.

  8. I think it's more fun to show kids how to use one of those than to actually use it!

  9. I hope the adorable Burritos are a lot of help when they become teenagers too!!!!!!! Just dropped from Beverly's Pin-Yellow party too!

  10. I would never be able to use this edger. I cannot even use an electric one.

  11. I love the flag among the shrubs and and trees.

    Edge trimmers are such a great invention! So simple, yet so practical.

  12. I've never seen a trimmer like that, how practical! Nice shots of your family at work:)

  13. We have an edge trimmer just like that and the kids always loved playing with it ~ lol!! Great shadows it makes too!

  14. Your kids are being trained early! Love the shadow that the trimmer makes!

  15. So cute. I need to send you the picture of Eloise up on the part of our roof that is accessible from the upper deck sweeping the leaves out of the gutter with her daddy. It was so cute. Your pictures always put a smile on my face. genie

  16. Looks like you saved money on labour costs as well as juice.

  17. Nice pic..I like it great day 4U and keep in touch..from INDONESIA with smile.

  18. Wow, Rose - that edger really did make cool shadows!

    That thing also looks like a Medieval torture device, does it not?

    Good thing teaching kids weed control, takes a village to keep weeds at bay!

    Have a wonderful shadow sunday!

    Thanks for visiting!

  19. PS

    Calling them burritos is about the cutest thing I have ever heard, haha.

  20. I'm too paranoid to allow my girl to use something like that without closed-toe footwear.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  21. Even with your simple tools, you put my attempts at lawn care to shame. Fortunately for my neighbours, I have very little lawn to care for. My story this week is called Culmen ’79.

  22. Nice way of bonding with children.

  23. Hello.
    I have to admit, that trimmer looks like something from eons gone by! LOL
    It's fun watching the kids having a go, but I'm smiling at the puppy who seems to think it's play. Nice photos. Thanks for sharing.

    The Confidence Of A Man

  24. My kids complain about 'family bonding' which is just another phrase for helping do Chores ♫♪


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