Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Yuletide season is over but the joy  still continues  especially with the presence of YOUTH just like these two Burritos.
Just our normal thing during New Year, visiting my FIL  and spending   some quality time with him.  I hope and pray that  he would still be around in  more years to come.
Young and old should always celebrate the new year with cheer!  The happy Burritos with their  almost 90 -year old Pap!  Another great thing to thank for, that God has given   my FIL a long life.
Stay YOUNG,  smile or laugh often!
Shadow Shot Sunday 2


  1. charming YOUTH as always

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Thank YOU for visiting and for leaving YOUR thoughts!

  3. Lots of great shots of family and YOU! Happy New Year to you all,

    abcw team

  4. Those young ones are growing up fast, aren't they? I can see the difference in just these past few months! HNY to you and yours!

  5. Love how youngsters always pose for the camera. Great shots.

  6. Hi Rose! Love seeing your precious family, and I really enjoyed your layout too. Happy New Year and God bless ... I'm going to be gone until next week, but wanted to thank you for stopping by to say hi.


    Kathy M.

  7. ang lalaki na nila sis...love all the photos...happy lagi! cute cute nitong dalawa...love Rye's sweater...:)

    sensya po at d pa nakadalaw sa mga blogs mo...will do it soon...:)

  8. Thanks Jama and thanks everyone for the lovely comments!

  9. These are some wonderful memories. Beautiful.

  10. rye is getting prettier and prettier as she grows up.. lovely photos!

  11. Beautiful and sweet portraits, charming.

  12. Having young ones around keeps old(er) ones youthful and lively:-)

  13. Those sure are some cute little Burritos!

  14. What a beautiful family. Kids are what it's all about! I'm a former educator! Thanks for stopping by my blog post today and for the suggestion about using a walking stick. I do prefer to be hands free, but I think, after that particular hike, I would like to have a telescopic stick in my backpack for just such occasions, so your suggestion is well taken! Have a wonderful, kid-filled, and incident-free New Year!! ~karen

  15. Happy pictures. These are lovely to look at now and will be precious moments to look back on in the future.

  16. Wonderful family shots. Happy New Year!

  17. I did think of doing young, well, I did a young sheep. Your daughter is very beautiful.

  18. Wonderful shots of your lovely family!
    ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥

  19. You have wonderful family photos showing your family bonding moments. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  20. Hello. Happy New Year!
    Lovely smiles & photos. A smile a day keeps the doctor at bay (smile).
    Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment.

    Youth At Play

  21. Every day is Christmas day because our kids make each day merry and bright for us. Happy New Year, Rose!

  22. Youth is a state of mind... but it is easier for the not-so-youthful to stay young when there are young ones around. Happy New Year, Rose!

  23. How nice to spend time with family over the holidays!

  24. Great smiles as always! A very happy family!

  25. Looks like the kids were having a good time posing for photos. I especially like the first shot!


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