Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Spirit of Giving

The kids wanted to get us some presents out f the money they have saved from their piggy banks so we brought them at the Robinson Mall, a couple of days before Christmas.  Before we  went to the store, we   let them play first at the germ pit (that's what  my husband called the play area lol).  I make sure that I  always bring   hand sanitizers when we  go out the house so the kids can   clean their hands after  playing.
Hey had  a funb time playing with other kids.
After they played, we went shopping and then we ate  lunch at the food court.  It was a nice day for all of us.  I'll post the presents they got us later.  I am glad that  our kids  already knows the spirit of giving at  their young ages.
May all of us have a prosperous new year!  share your favorite color with me through Color Connection every Friday!


  1. I thank you all for leaving wonderful messages at our blogs Thank you so much for taking time to visit!

  2. hi ate rose, merry christmas and happy new year!!!
    nice naman have time for bonding w/the kids.

  3. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous new Year to you and your family! :)

  4. you look prettier in red and oh so sexy!
    I have quite a number of sanitizer here, mga freebies haha, but I always forget to bring them whenever we go out..
    love seeing the smiles of the kids playing.. Advance Happy New Year!:)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Is there also a Robinson mall in your place? Is this the same as the Robinson malls in the Phil. You have such beautiful and romantic pictures. Too bad I can't copy them because of the copyright prohibition. Anyway, thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  7. super fun! hehhehe...germ pit...cute nitong dalawa...nakakamiss! sensya na po at ngayon lang ulit nakadalaw...hope EJ is doing fine now...mwah!

  8. Looks like a fun germ pit to me, lol! Your kids are so cute and your photos came out great, Rose.
    Happy New Year!

    Kathy M.

  9. Always so fun to visit you here and see what your family is up to. Happy Pink Saturday and a blessed New year.

  10. Thank you for the post card. It was a welcomed treat to receive in the mail and brightened my day. Happy New Year!

  11. It's really great for being here and meet this awesome blog. btw i would ask you a favor whether i can put my links on your comment page. I'm doing on a project and need your help to let me add a little signature over here. Thank you verymuch and hopefully we could be friends :).

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  12. Happy New Year yotch Rose! Nice to see kids having fun :D

  13. God Bless you all through a wonder filled 2012!!!!


  14. Wow! So many colourful activities for the children to enjoy! I imagine that they would want to stay there for quite some time!

  15. Adorable children!! Happy Pink New Year.

  16. The "germ pit" - hahaha, I like that! Wise of you to carry the hand sanitizer. I always do the same when I leave a store where I've been pushing a cart.

    Looks like a really fun place!

  17. What a fun time!!! Happy New Year to all!!!

  18. Some very unusual shadows here! Looks like a lot of fun.
    Happy New Year to all of you.

  19. Happy Pink Saturday and best wishes for a very happy New Year. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special. I count you among my blessings.

    I think I would have had fun at this place, too.

  20. happy new year sis! wishing you guys all the best in 2012...mwah!

  21. What a DARLING blog you have. And your children are just precious. Yes, you really are pinkand I LOVE it. I am a brand new blogger and appreciate so much you visiting me and commenting. It means alot. I am now following you and also network blog following.


  22. "Germ pit," I like that! LOL! You've taught your kids well, Rose, and it shows in how they want to give their parents gifts this Christmas. Thanks for the MM visit!

  23. Looks like they were having a great time! Happy New Year!

  24. Undoubtedly a wonderful way to see the year. Happy 2012.

  25. What a nice family time! :) Happy New Year!

  26. Happy NEW YEAR! What fun times! I'm glad to have found you. May you have a wonderful 2012.

  27. I think hubby got it right when he says the Germ Pit...haha...Looks like a great day for the little ones....Happy New Year !

  28. Sweet photos! That pink car is adorable! HPS a bit late and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  29. happy new year! :D thanks for joining Mommy Moments!

  30. what a fun moment! hopping again here sis :) Hope to see you in my Pink Saturday entries one and two. Happy New Year!


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