Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Red Dress

Hello there everyone, I am chubskulit in bloglandia. When I was in elementary, our principal used to call me ROSALIE.  Then when I was in high school, my science teacher used to call me ROSALIND. When I went  to college and graduate school, everyone calls me ROSE.  Anyhow, enough of my  name history hehehe.

Can you blame me if I love roses?  The necklace with a rose pendant was given to me by my husband while the rose pin was given to me by my father-in-law.
 I love color RED, and this RED dRess caught my attention when we went to the mall.  Too bad, there's no size that would fit me because I am way "TINY" as most people addresses me lol.  Sometimes, in order for me to buy clothes that would fit, I go to teens section wahhhh.
Hope you guys are having a blast!


  1. interesting name history. and nice dress.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Rose a lovely name. Some years ago, my dearest called me "Rose" as a pet name, and it stuck...after 50 years of marriage, I'm Wanda to the rest of the world, and Rose to my dearest.

  3. Oh I forgot....the dress is beautiful....and elegant.

  4. All the R names you have been called are very nice :) the dress is too :)

  5. Love this dress... so beautiful!

  6. A beautiful dress...but wouldn't go with your yellow beautiful shoes,so don't feel bad that it won't fit!
    Jane x

  7. Beautiful pictures! Well-I like roses so much I added ROSE as part of my online name- 'Junie Rose' :)

  8. Love the dress. When I went shopping as a teenager I either came home with red or black.
    Does multiple variations of your name lead to multiple personalities? :-)

  9. I also like roses, color red and your name!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the kind comment.

    I love roses. They are beautiful.

    As for your problem with clothing, I know all about it.. but on the opposite end of the spectrum.

    Have a great day!

  11. ayay! dami mo palang palayaw...ehehehhe...rosalinda de amor...kidding!

    I like that red dress...me too, I always go to teen section...buti kapa wayyyyyy tiny...ehhehee!

  12. Although I am not as tiny as you, it does gt hard to find things that fit! Lately, I found that JC Penny on line has a pretty decent selection of petite sizes-especially dresses. I was amazed.And when I need jeans, I shop on line at Victoria's Secret since they have a huge selection and most everything is offered in petite sizes.
    But that red dress-oh! So lovely! I'm sure you would 'drown' in it!

  13. That dress is gorgeous. Red is always in style. And roses are always a favorite flower.

  14. You and my daughter are both TINY. That can be good and not so good when trying to buy clothes. Love the red dress...it is stunning. Thanks for the comments.

  15. lovely necklace and pin! sayang naman yun dress, im' sure it will fit perfectly with you.

  16. How nice to be so tiny! Sadly, I'm at the other end of the spectrum!!1 That sure was a pretty red dress!

  17. The red dress is beautiful. Love the name "Rose."

  18. kaka-inggit ang iyong size,Ate Rose^_^

    Love the red dress,I'm sure bagay sa yo yan~sayang alang size for you...

  19. Rose is a fine name that connotes everything that is nice about the rose. The red dress is really fabulous. Too bad that it did not fit you. Most American women are oversize just like most American men. But your frame cannot be consider little. In fact you are just slim and sexy. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  20. Rose who loves roses :)
    Stunning dress...


  21. Going to teens and selecting your dress? Most ladies would call you lucky.. Careful with the vibes :)

  22. The dress is so lovely! It's a great idea to go to the teenager section! That is what my daughters sometimes do and they are 41 and 44 years old. The roses you got are exquisite!

  23. I love roses , too !
    The red dress is beautiful !

  24. Beautiful jewelry, and that dress is gorgeous!

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  25. A beautiful red dress for a rosy lady.

  26. A beautiful red dress for a rosy lady.


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