Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nature's Goodness

Try to look around and appreciate what God has made for us. A short stroll in your yard will help you ease some worries, so grab your camera and take photos of simple things that interest you. That's what I do most of the time when my mind is cluttered with so much stuff.  God  gave all these for us to enjoy, so appreciate it.
I don't know what this plant/flower is called but when it blooms, the fragrance is really good!
I am not sure if this is a butterfly bush.
Let's all thank God for this wonderful land and everything that surrounds it.


  1. Lily of the Valley is a favorite flower of mine, the sweet bell shaped flower is so warm and fragrant. I enjoyed your post very much. Enjoy the weekend. Come visit me soon. Hugs Anne

  2. Beautiful pictures!! The flowers are so pretty and the little tree made a great shadow on the ground.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Hayzz..wala talaga akong alam sa mga pangalan ng flowers lol!I love your shots most especially yung 3rd photo^_^

  4. Hi,Ate Rose! Enjoy your weekend and Belated Happy Mother'S Day to you^_^

  5. The white bell shaped flowers are Lily of the mother's favorite!!

    Mission Bells in Shadow

    Have a great week.

  6. Every one of these is a great Shadow Shot! There certainly is a lot of beauty around thanks to the Creator.


  7. Beautiful garden shadows! Have a great day!

  8. Lilies of the Valley and Lilac- two wonderful fragrant flowers in spring. Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting my blog!

  9. all my favorites and I miss them so much

  10. You have lots of great shots here, but I think I'm most fascinated by the second one down.

  11. i think it's butterfly bush.:p he white ones, i have no idea. very pretty.

    Live in the Moment

  12. Your Lily of the Valley close-ups are gorgeous. Yes, God is good and His beauty delights our eyes!!

  13. Great photos of God's beautiful creations! Thank you for sharing!


  14. Very insightful thoughts Rose! I've spent two days wandering my yard and it really does ease my mind.
    Lovely blooms! The lilacs are gorgeous and yes, a heavenly scent.

    Carletta's Captures

  15. i think those are lilly of the valley. i love the smell of them, it reminds me of my childhood---we had them planted on the side of the house.

  16. I liked the second picture. Very intriguing.

  17. I love the heavenly fragrance of lily-of-the-valley!


    A shadow’s a wonderful thing;
    O listen! Can you hear it sing?
    It tells of a time
    Before there was crime—
    Trust that and you’ll trust anything!

    © 2010 Magical Mystical Teacher

    Poppy Maidens

  18. Beautiful shadow play here, well done. I really like the last one. Have a super week. Jo

  19. You've captured the beauty of nature! Here's my share . Thanks and see you around!

  20. Your photos are beautiful!! I love to look at all of God's creations!

    I'm following from the Super Stalker Sunday Hop! Thanks so much for linking up with us!

    Hope you have a great week and I hope you can come visit us again next weekend!


  21. Yes, it's indeed a wonderful world that we must appreciate and preserve for the succeeding generations. Your area looks great with lots of wonders from Mother Nature. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  22. Wonderful post!
    Thanks for sharing.
    I would like you to become a Guest Friend in TODAYS FLOWERS.
    If you agree send me pictures so I tell your Guest Friend date.



  23. We are God's stewards of all His creation, of Mother Earth, and Mother Church. We must not only appreciate these gifts, but most importantly, we must be good users, too. Great idea posting the gifts around you for others to appreciate. Thank you!

  24. God is indeed a wonderful father, he made those trees for us to see freely btw Rose thanks for the visit here Points of View and Thoughts, do you mind to visit me here, SAHM’s Online Diary too? Thanks


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