Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Splash of Orange

Both daughter and husband were off from school yesterday so we went to Starvaggi Park to lessen up the stress we have about Dave's surgery.  The splash of Orange colors in the park gave us  hope about the family's ordeal.
I realized yesterday how time flies and how life  is short sometimes for some people.  So it is always great to enjoy every  bit of it.  
Last year, my daughter  wasn't able to use this orange skort because it was way too big for her but yesterday I realized that she is growing up fast!  Soon she would be bigger than me.  
I have tasks to write yesterday but I  set it aside and went to the park instead.  Family is what we should always prioritize.
Today, my daughter came home from school with a certificate from her teacher.  She won their spelling  exercise and she is very proud about it, WE are too! I am so proud of her progress in school, she knows how to read very well now, can add and subtract,  and she is also getting so good with spelling.  I can still remember when I was still teaching her how to write her name, read the alphabet, and do some math problem.  We did not enroll her in pre-school so my husband and were basically her reading and   writing tutors.  
I am so glad and thankful that I got to be her first teacher.  Being a stay-at-home-mom is a blessing and I am very thankful about it.  I also would like to thank all of you who include my brother-in-law in your prayers.  His surgery went well but he is still in a lot of pain and under observation in the hospital.  In behalf of the  Cottrill clan, thank you all so much!


  1. Keep9ing the prayers coming for Dave. In fact I prayed for your family on my way into work today. It gives me so much peace to pray for others in need and helps keep my mental state sane and quiet and calm. Keep us posted. Your daughter is beautiful. That orange skort is darling on her. She is a perfect little model in it! Hugs to you! Anne

  2. Thank you so much Anne. It is a great feeling that even people that we only encounter online, really do care. Your prayers are greatly appreciated!

  3. yes, it's good to spend time now, while you still can.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Wonderful post ...

  5. So much to comment on. I hope the surgery goes well without complications.

    Congratulations on your daughters spelling prowess.

    And, I agree with you. I love being home with my kids. When they were younger I was a teacher in their school and so we were always home together. It made a difference for me.

  6. A very colorful post, and yes, we will continue to keep Dave in our prayers.

  7. At magaling mag pose din. Yup time is precious and life is so short ika nga, kaya sometimes we have to prioritize what is essential in our life. ^_^ Happy Wednesday!

    ABC Wednesday

  8. Both you and Rylie looks wonderful in your photo. The orange flowers were so beautiful and colorful. Yes, Rylie is growing so fast and she improves so much with her studies at school. You must be so proud of her. Great that your BIL was able to undergo a successful operation and is recuperating well. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  9. beautiful post...
    holding good thoughts for your brother in law

  10. Ang ganda naman sa park na yan ..I'm glad your BIL's surgery was successful i know God is there just trust Him.

  11. Wonderful shots. Yes, time flies by fast when we expect it least.

  12. I love the park, so cool and pretty.

    Yes sis I have:
    My paypal account is

    Thanks a lot for your concern and prayers... Blessings to all.

    His Unfailing Love

  13. Yes indeed. Family first! Life is too short and I hope everything goes smoothly with the surgery.

  14. musta na si BIL mo sis? hope he is getting better.

    ayay, ang ganda nang mag ina...maganda na pla ang weather jan...I agree, Rye is getting bigger...pansin ko nga eh...:)

  15. Lovely splash of orange!! get well wishes to your BIL and happy week to you all.


  16. Your flowers are beautiful. Congratulations to your daughter for winning the spelling exercise.

    I hope your brother-in-law has a speedy recovery. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. I am glad that your brother-in-law's surgery went well, now we must pray that he will recover soon.
    Your children are so adorable! Have a great week with your family!

  18. I am so glad and thankful to know the surgery went well..

    And, yes, being there for family and for kids.. that is indeed a blessing.. simple, it may seemed but it takes the deep love and affection beneath.. *HUG*

  19. Good for you having your priorities straight. The time we have for your children is really little so you have to make the most of it.

    I'm all for everybody being fulfilled and I also think that women are very capable in the workplace and shouldn't be discriminated against because they are women but I think children do better with their moms at home.

  20. Congratulations to Rylie and a speedy full recovery to your BIL, sis.

  21. Hi Rose, a quick peak here. :) Just read your comment and I just emailed her and waiting for reply. Hindi naman sayang titch, hehehe, my blog still has its pr and alexa the same, its just the wordpress that made it different. May web hosting na akow. hehehe

  22. I'm glad your brother in laws surgery went well and hope his recovery is swift. The orange flowers are beautiful and so is your daughter.

  23. Ang ganda naman ng flower, tulips ba yan Ate Rose? Lalaki ngang matangkad si Rylie katulad ng karamihang Amerisian. Glad to know Ate that your brother in-law operation went well. Hoping for his faster recovery :)

  24. Thank God the surgery went fine! Nice One! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  25. Time to smell the flowers and play in the park is the best way to spend precious time. Hope your brother in law heals well.

  26. Thanks for the update on Dave's surgery! I will continue to keep him and your family in my prayers. May he have a speedy and complete recovery! I love the orange skirt. She's such a cutie! I'm off to see her post for the day too. Blessings, Candace

  27. Hi! Im from confrugal from the blog hop. You have such a great blog. I hope your BIL's surgery goes well.

  28. Those orange flowers are so beautiful, they are tulips?

  29. Delightful bright orange flowers! Your little one looks so great in her orange skirt too! And love the smiling faces!

  30. spending outdoor and having quality time with your kid are way too cool.

    bless you.


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