Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Prayer Request

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My brother -in-law was recently diagnosed with a stomach cancer. I am not very particular of what kind is it,  but my SIL said it is a very rare form of cancer. I am asking your help to please pray for my BIL. He will have a surgery this coming Monday at UPMC.  We are all praying and hoping that it will be for the better.  The surgery will involve removing his stomach which means that he won't have one after the surgery. It is the only way to cut the tumor that is growing inside. I am not sure how he could normally function after the surgery but I do trust the surgeons.
Above was taken last Christmas, we did not know that time that he has the growing tumor in his stomach.  We feel like, we are running out of time so we make sure to visit him  oftentimes now.  My sister-in-law told me that she is mad and in denial to why this thing is happening to them.

Below was taken the other day.  We've visited him again and I was shocked to see him  very skinny already.  He lost a lot of weight already as he couldn't eat.
Please pray for him and for all the people who are sick and in need of the divine healing.  His Mom died of the same cancer, their Aunt died of cancer too a couple of years ago, we are hoping and praying that Dave will come through this battle.  Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Absolutely! Praying that the Lord guides the doctors to remove all the illness and that your BIL recovers quickly and that the Lord helps the family thru this all.


  2. It's a very sad news, I hope your brother-in law Ate will overcome the surgery and have a quick recovery. My prayer and thoughts be with your family.

  3. oh my...he lose a lot of weight talaga sis ano...I hope he will have a successful surgery...my prayers are him.

  4. God is good Rose so dont lose hope.. I'll absolutely pray for his fast recovery... God bless

  5. Im speechless, I dont know what to say. Hope your brother will able to handle all this. My prayer goes to your BIL bading. Prayer and miracle is what he need right now.

  6. Happy Easter..Lovely Blog..great posts :)) *officially following ya from hop*..Hope you sneak'a'peak at mine sometime..TY..http://theartsygirlconnection.blogspot.com/

  7. will include in my prayer sis! He looked a lot different in the first pic.

  8. Prayers and Hugs,
    Happy Easter.

  9. Your BIL and your whole family will be in our prayers.

  10. Oh My Gosh Sweet Friend...
    I am sending prayers up as I type for God to watch over him tomorrow and guide the Dr.s as they perform this serious surgery that they are going to perform. May the angels comfort you and your family as you wait on news for this wonderful man who is a big part of your family. I will be saying many prayers tonight and tomorrow as well.

    Many hugs to you all sweet friend. Love, Sherry

  11. Hoping for the successful surgery, my prayers are with you and the entire family.

  12. Hi Rose,

    I am so sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for Dave and for all of you. My FIL had esophagus cancer, but was older and decided to not have surgery.

    They do have these nutrition backpacks (I don't know the real name) that my DIL wore during her pregnancy, where you are being tube fed as you go about your day.

    What a difficult and heartbreaking time for you guys. God bless and take care,

    Kathy M.

  13. Prayers on his way, Rose, and hugs for you and your family. Keep the faith.

  14. Yes I agree, God answers prayers. Blessings to your BIL.

    Need your prayers too sis. Here

  15. sorry to hear about that sis. will include him in my prayers. Godspeed!

  16. Hope he is OK now Rose now that the operation was done.. it's actually a normal thing that a wife would undergo 'denial'. God bless Rose.

  17. Morning sweetie...I pray that all goes well with the surgery and that he recovers and heals even better than the doctors expect...thanks so much for coming by...hope you have a great week....Picket

  18. this is very sad sis Rose. i'll definitely include your BIL in my prayers. this cancer is indeed very rare for i just learned about this kind here. I'll hope he'll be able to recover...i hope he'll be okay

  19. How scary for you all! I will be praying for him. We certainly can't understand why this happens- trust in God-the only one who can grant true peace!


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