Wednesday, September 10, 2014

11th Anniversary

 When hubby and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary, we took the kids to places we've never been to.  It wasn't extra ordinary but something different  than what we normally do.  We  explored the big  seafood market in Pittsburgh and then we also ate there.  Then on our way home, we  drove by the shopping area at Settler's Ridge Market District.
Since 11 was an odd number, we did odd stuff that we don't usually do.  The kids have enjoyed it and so did we.  It was a simple celebration but  quite memorable.  For us, it doesn't matter if we don't have a lavish way of celebrating anniversary, what matters is the  happiness that all of us including our kids has for the occasion.  May God bless  us more with more years of being in-love together.


  1. What a great way to celebrate your anniversary. I don't usually take my kids out with us when we celebrate but this is a great way to include the kids as well.

  2. Did you go to Wooleys too? I miss the Strip District!

  3. What a neat idea...odd # means an odd way to spend it!! Also sounds like us - spending the anniversary w/ the kids LOL.

  4. I think sharing those memories and places is a great way to celebrate!

  5. Happy anniversary, sis! We love visiting new places too, would you reco that place? Is there much to see? I thought you didn't bring the kids 'cause they were not in the photos. I missed them in the pictures. LOL!

  6. happy 11th anniversary to both of you and may you have many more years to come.

  7. I'm glad you had a nice time out. And a big Happy Anniversary to you too!

  8. Happy Anniversary! :D

    Base on the pictures, I think it's a great place to have dinner or just want to have fun! Say, what's the best place to eat during dinner time? :D

  9. Happy Anniversary to both of you,sis. You did great in celebrating your anniversary with your kids by going places that you never been to.

  10. This is a great way to celebrate. Your kids are now part of your marriage so that was adorable that you included them. My hubs and I do the same thing. We don't ever get away just the two of us, but sometimes it's nice that way.

  11. A big seafood market in Pittsburgh? I want to go there! :D We always pass by or go to Pittsburgh in our trips but haven't explored it a lot. I have to keep that place in mind. 11 years, Happy Anniversary to you and hubby sis!

  12. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! Cheers to more love and happiness

  13. Wow, that's a neat idea! Will remember this on our next family special occasion. :)

  14. yay, way to go guys! congratulations...what a nice way to celebrate it!

  15. dropping by here sis,,,,hope all is well!


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