Tuesday, August 26, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

My whole family was nominated to do the ICE Bucket Challenge.  My kids were very excited to do it but before we let them do it, we  explained to them  the importance of this challenge. This challenge is being done by so many people to  help raise awareness about  the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease". ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. I have seen  few  videos of people  that are affected of this disease and it  is heartbreaking.

Here is the video of my daughter's  challenge.  Hubby and EJ were posted on Facebook as well.   Both of the kids don't feel really good when  they did the challenge so we let the ice melt first before dumping  it it on them.   If you have seen my  son's video, I did not like how my husband dumped it on him  but my son liked it, he think it was cool.
As part of the challenge, you have to make a monetary donation to ALS Foundation.  You can donate as low as $5.  If everyone who does the challenge will  donate, ALS will have the help they need to  do research and extend  help to  people who are battling with  ALS.

I hope that you can help too even if you don't do the challenge, you can make a donation  here.


  1. Awesome! I didn't get challenge and if I were to I probably wouldn't do it and just donate since its more about raising money. :)

    1. I was challenged but did not do the IBC because I am not good with cold. We donated as a family.

  2. My 3yr old was nominated to do the challenge too but my husband did not allow it because she might get sick again (she have slight cough and cold). So we decided to just make a donation too. LOL! Good thing your daughter is up for the challenge! :D Congrats!

  3. I was nominated by three different people! My daughter was nominated as well. We did the education of what it was about and she thought we should donate a million dollars. Sadly Momma didn't have a million dollars but we did donate and participated in the ice bucket challenge.

  4. That is great your whole family did it together.

  5. the fun of an IBC is that you will do that task which is fun to watch at the same time be more aware about the ALS and to give out donation in order to help fight this illness. Good job to your daughter.

  6. What a fantastic way to teach your family about giving back!

  7. It is great that you are teaching your children about giving back! :)

  8. I'm glad you were able to explain to them what it's really about. It's fun to watch all the videos though.

  9. Though I don't buy this Ice Bucket Challenge thing , but I salute those individuals that have open arms to give.

  10. Aww. What a generous family! God bless you always po and you are totally appreciated for raising the awareness! :)


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