Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tiny Bloom

Jen gave me this plant (not sure what it is) weeks ago.  She actually gave me just a small twig like the one you see  with flower.  Then I planted it in a pot, now it's big and has two branches that I can replant to another pot.  he flower is so pretty even if it's so tiny.


  1. di ako maka-comment sa etcetera and Nostalgic, di mag load comment section.. hihi.. i'l be back a little later. hopping late night for tomorrow is my blog off to give way for pacquiao's fight.. hihi :))

  2. I love when my house plants flower:)
    have a nice weekend!

  3. Hi Rose!

    Yes, that little plant is big to a point where you can make two more by replanting.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, and glad you can Adgitize better on my site these days, too. LOL!

    Have a great weekend my friend!

  4. Yep, replant it to another big sized pot Rose. Pretty white flower.

    Iris sibirica

  5. I have tiny little blooms like that too on my spider plant!!! Very cool!

  6. Pretty!

    I have yet to get the hang of the re-potting thing...

  7. A tiny, shy little bloom...
    Happy Sunday!

  8. Such beauty to have indoors! I'm terrible with house plants and try to avoid the ones that are supposed to bloom.

    Erika B

  9. oi ang cute ng white cute talaga...anong amoy rose hehehe

    yong sa akin andon sa Lifestyle hehe

  10. wow pwede pakiskis naman ng greenthumb mo mami rose kasi parang di ako gifted dyan

  11. Very pretty! It's years since I had a spider plant - I think I'll look for another one now :-)

  12. Sometimes the tiny blossoms are the best, because you really have to pay attention!

  13. ito yung mga survivor na tamin Rose... hahaha... had lots of this in our backyard.. kaso.. I wasn't inspired to alaga it anymore.. kasi la pa ako bahay...

  14. Pretty! I posted the same bloom but variegated foliage on Friday.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Really appreciate it.

  15. Thanks for sharing this little beauty, Rose. You're so good with plants...

    Thanks also for dropping by :)

  16. parang meron akong ganyan sa cali sis...pero medyo combination sya nang yellow at green...nag=iisang buwakwak...ehehhee!

  17. Yes, the tiny flower is so beautiful and dainty. Looks like it will survive the harsh winter condition. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  18. Lovely one!
    Happy Mom's Day.

    Have a great week ahead.


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