Friday, November 12, 2010

Black Cat

It was raining when I fetched my daughter to school last Tuesday. A black cat that is owned by our neighbor followed us all the way to our front porch. She really wanted to come inside but we did not let her because our dog Champ was inside.
Champ was actually freaking out when he saw this black cat scratching at our door.
My daughter stayed with her in the porch till the rain stop.
Are you superstitious kind of person?  My husband is... Whenever we are driving and a cat  walk in front or cross the street where we are going, he always make a maneuver not to cross that street.  He said that it's a bad luck.
Here's Rylie trying to calm her down by petting her .
She actually like the pampering hehehe.

Thanks everyone for the visits and comments!


  1. love ni rylie animals talaga.. kahit cat di siya natatakot. di ako syado sa mga pamahiin pero pag big black cat maybe.. :) dami kasi dito black cat talaga.. lol

  2. Cats are so funny! Our neighbor's cat thinks he lives at our house and always wants to come inside, and he even knows our dog Tucker is in there and would probably not like that. I posted photos of "our" cat on camera criiters today too!

  3. I love cats!!! Pretty, pretty, pretty neighbor y'all have!!!!! Purr-fectly dressed for a formal occasion.

    Texas Zoo in Victoria is my Camera Critters this week!! I hope to see that you can visit with me also.

  4. What a lovely black cat that came visiting.

  5. Lovely cat, my friend had three black cats and I could never tell them apart :O)

  6. So nice of Rylie to stay out with the cat until the rain stopped. The last picture is adorable. They both look so happy. I'm sure Champ wasn't happy, though!
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. Looks lovely, a bit upset though she can't get inside, but lucky she got a cuddle by ur daughter.

    Mine is up here:

  8. Love the last photo,Ate Rose.Rylie is so fond of animals talaga^_^

    Happy Sunday!

  9. I don't like black cats as well :)
    I like the last photo, you're daughter's pretty :)

  10. Beautiful black cat, I had a black cat for almost 17 years, he was one of my all time favorite pets.

  11. Aww..cute kitty!

    I'm not superstitious about that. I know some people are.

  12. We have a black house cat named Shadow. If a black cat crossing your path really is bad luck, then we're in trouble haha.

  13. Love cats!! One of my daughters thinks she is one sometimes and even tucks a scarf in as a tail!! Will have to show her the photos. x

    Pop over and visit bigwords one day

  14. It's a superstition that most Americans adhere to. Great that you and Rylie do not subscribe to that. Black cats are not avoided in the Philippines the way they are avoided like plague in the US. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.


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