Monday, January 12, 2009


My husband find it amazing how Filipinos can squat like this.... That's our son, watching the Korean outside our back yard doing some construction. Everytime John will see us do a squat position he lways admire how we can do it without a problem but he can't hehehe. I always tease him "We can do it easily because our tummy is small lol". That's when he will show us his sucked in tummy hahaha.. Can you squat like that?


  1. Nope,uugod-ugod na yata ako!!hehehee!!\(^0^)/

  2. hehehe...i guess they find it hard coz their bodies are built bigger than ours.

  3. hehehe, Matt is the same when he sees Jake and I sit like that... even mo mother in law is amazed :-)

  4. Pre westernization, Indian toilets were all at ground level and one had to squat like the photograph. This kept the knees exercised and enabled proper evacuation. Most Indian toilets still are of the older version. With westernization, in the cities,the commode has invaded India too and now people complain of stiff knees and bodies. I used to be able to squat like this before my hips were replaced. I am not allowed to now.


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