Monday, January 12, 2009

kids entertainment

My sister inlaw's daughter gave us a lot of VHS tapes for the kids, its a collection of many shows that my angels love to watch everyday. I am glad that we brought it here because it gives entertainment to my little ones when I am busy. We decided to cut off our cable here because we seldom use it and there are shows that's inappropriate for the kids anyway. They know how to operate the remote control now so we decided to just cut it off. That's another savings we can put aside for the kids.


  1. whoa! lots of dvds!!! i can stay with them all day watching.. i love children's movies.. :)

    oi lapit na birthday ni bunsoy! :)

    happy birthday!!! mwah mwah

  2. Can I borrow one of those for my nephew...hehehehe

    I have a tag for you and keep on smiling....

  3. Hi Niko, pati nga ako namememorize ko na din mga shows nila hehehe..

  4. You can have more than one richard, if its just near i'll send this in the Philippines because we plan to give this away before we go back to the States.


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