Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chili made with LOVE

It's been a long while since we had home made chili and my husband mentioned about it this morning to me. So me and my children made a pot of chili tonight. When they woke up from their nap, they we're both looking for their Dad who went to his office to do something so I had to entertain them by letting them help me cook the chili. While my son was on my arms, he wanted to help so I let him sprinkle the black pepper and salt and Rylie was busy stirring it. I got two helpers now in the kitchen. They say that if the food is made with love, it's good.. so here is the very good chili.
If anyone would like to learn how to make it, just buzz me, I'll teach you hehehe...


  1. That dish sure looks tempting. Why don't you post the recipe of your formula?

  2. post the recipe girl so we can just click it anytime

    what a nice bonding


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