Saturday, January 10, 2009

Big Sissy

When my daughter was only nine months old, I got pregnant right away and I kinda taken aback because of the big responsibility ahead of me. But my husband said that we will be alright, that we just need to trust HIM and everything will be fine. And when my son was born, the reality was hard to deal with. I been through a lot of emotional hang ups, I doubted my self if I could do it. But with the help of my loving in laws and great support of my husband, we've made it through.
When we first brought EJ home, Rylie was happy and at the same time a little jealous. I have to really guard him because she would bite or pinch if we aren't looking. But despite of those, she also love her brother because she would always help me change and clean him and all that kind of stuff.
I guess it's just normal to have 2, overwhelmed, jealousy, rivalry and all that.... I am so thankful that God gave us precious gifts that always bring smile to our face and joy to our hearts..


  1. Hello sistah, super cute ng mga babies mo tlga as in! gusto ko si tabatsoy!! hehehe like father like son sila noh!! LOOK ALIKE...

  2. We had the same situation, Wrozlie was 8 months when I got pregnant with Alexandra. It was hard at first, I was glad we came back to US before Alex was born. My mom helped me for the first 2 months. Wrozlie was so jealous of Alex, and you are correct, I had to guard Alex from Wrozlie's pinching and hitting.
    Now, they play together, but sometimes, they fight about toys and grr...I can't take my eyes off them not one bit, or else, something will happen.
    You are very lucky to have a a helping hand (your hubby) it worked great for you all..
    Have a great weekend..


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