Monday, December 29, 2008

tutoring remembrance

To welcome the year of 2009 with a new atmosphere, we changed our dark beddings with the pink mink blanket we bought when we went to the international market in Busan. This is a remembrance of my tutoring gig from Amy. I am sad that will no longer continue her session with me. she has to go to Seoul for a class and can no longer attend with her English class with me. We wish all the best of luck Amy. We will miss you for sure, you've been part of our family. Anyhow, here's Rylie trying to pose with her new Dora sleep wear lol.. Two more days guys and its New Year already. Do you have any resolution or something?


  1. i still have to think about my new year's resolution mommy..I have a lot of changes to do..wink..

  2. While you are discontinuing yours, I ^would be resuming mine.. If I think of it, haaayyy.... i feel tired! Hahahah... I have two extra stuffs aside from my 8-hour office so i guess it would be really heavy...and count the blogging too! ^^

  3. uy, baby girl loves pretty pink... cute sis Rose... uummm ako I have to think what mine will be.. hehehe

  4. ow new years resolution?? il think about that!! am good at not following that dear eh :D

    nyways cute little model again!!! she loves dora too??? whoa what 's with dora.. my yena loves her also :D

    happy new year dear!!

  5. lovely talaga si princess Rylie mo c: nice bed cover been hoping to buy a new one for us too c: hope you guys had a blessed Christmas and a fruitful new year ahead c:

  6. I Love Rylie's get-up. And she sure knows how to pose huh?
    Nice bed color you have in there. Pink is pretty ;)

  7. HI Willie, yup she's gone for another interview i guess!

  8. Hahaha I know why you wink Kitty hahaha.. Well good luck to you!

  9. Oh man, you're gonna be very busy sis Rogue, no wonder you havent been around much these days...

  10. Hahaha magiisip pa pala si sis Mads hehehe, take your time dearest..

  11. Its called Dora mania Mommy Niko hahaha...

  12. Hello Mommy Icy, salamat sa dalaw... Advance happy New Year!

  13. Hi Momma Cookie, salamat naman sa papuri hehehe.. happy New year guys!


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