Monday, December 29, 2008

food for your bloggy tummy!

My daughter and I made a caldereta yesterday because its been a while since we last had it. I am not very fond of it but hubby love it so much that I amke it once in a while. My daughter love it too. I am trying to introduce my son to foods that we really like but he seem to not care so much about eating good food yet. Today, we made something with soup since it's chilly outside. We made nilagang baboy or pork soup with veggies. Rylie love veggies so she doesn't have any problem eating with us but not our son EJ. He is very picky with food. But anyhow, here is the nilaga... Happy blogging everyone!


  1. That soup looks delicious. I have never seen anything like it before. :]

  2. awww nakakatakam! ahihi.

    Happy New Year rose! sa inyo lahat diyan ng family mo. ;) take care


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