Friday, December 26, 2008

Rylie's encounter with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

My husband and daughter went to see the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders performance at the gymnasium of the base. I wasn't able to go with them because our son EJ was taking a nap. Rylie had a great time watching them and posing for pictures with them. When she came home, she was showing me the moves that ladies performed. Here are some the pictures that hubby took.

With Brooke Sorenson...
With Brittany Evans... thanks guys for posing with my daughter! Hubby posted some of the pictures on his blog too.


  1. Hey there. thank you for dropping by :)
    MErry Christmass to u and ur family.
    im following ur blog now :)

  2. Wow beautifull girl

  3. I love your blog! It's so cute! That was really sweet of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. Your daughter is beautiful. =D Thanks for following.

  4. so lucky ry :-)

    lived in texas before but never have the chance to see them :-(

    anyway, have a nice night!

  5. I just saw one in John's post as well with another cheering squad member.. The first photo i like her than the second (or are they the same person?)... The second photo has so much make up... ^^

    Anyway, it was a great experience for Rye.

    About what you have shared here, what I can ask you back about that is:

    "Did you made sales attendants? I am a bikt confused...or you are telling from avendor's point of view my dear?

  6. Hello Arnie, thanks for visiting back and for following as well!

  7. Hi Erik, I am glad that you find my blog lovely hehehe.. thanks for follwoing it too and for the compliment!

  8. Hi Te Cecille, oh yeah? maybe someday you'll get to see them.. I wasn't able to see them too...

  9. Your daughter's sooo adorable... Merry Christmas to you and your family, Rose!!! :-)

  10. Hello Rose...How are you...

    Happy New year and I have a tag for you...

    Kindly check What Are You Thankful For!!!

    Keep on smiling....

  11. hello mommy's the holidays so far???party. party. party...

  12. Thanks kate, happy holidyas to you and family also!

  13. Hi Kitty, oh we're just enjoying Hubby's holiday vacation, just snuggling to each other hahahha..

  14. Hi martin, I guess I could introduce you to them if I would be able to see them hahaha...

  15. they do look gorgeous c:

    have a blessed Christmas and a fruitful new year c:

  16. Wowowee!!! I envy Rye :) The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are great and sweet.

  17. Likewise Mommy Icy, thanks for commenting and visiting..

  18. You're right Marly, hubby said that they are all very nice..

  19. Hi Rose. dropping by to greet you belated Merry Christmas. I think I have greeted you before the eve already but to be sure i came to greet you again!

    Your son is cute Rose. You are really blessed of beautiful kids. Happy New Year!

  20. My other blog is visiting you here!

  21. hello sistah! wow! Rye might be a cheerleader soomeday!

  22. lucky lucky! we only get to see them on tv.

  23. Hello Nanay Belen, salamat po sa pagdalaw.. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year po!

  24. Hi dhemz, kahit ano basta masya sya hehehe...


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