Thursday, December 25, 2008

Our Christmass 2008

We started our Christmas celebration by attending a party from our neighbor's house yesterday. They had so many food, most were Filipino foods, Ate Lelet gave me some to take home too. I forgot my fave gadget so there's no pic he he he. Our day ended by attending a mass at 9 pm. Before the mass started, there was a Christmas presentation performed by selected children from the base. Here are some of the photos I snapped.

Before Rylie went to bed last night, she put cookies for Santa. When I got done cleaning the kitchen, I went to her room so I can give her a good night kiss but she wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom none, I checked our bedroom and EJ's bedroom and I didn't find her so I panicked and woke my husband up. We found her at the couch sleeping..... She tried to sneak in, just so she would see if Santa would come really he he he.. But anyhow, when they woke up this morning, they had fun opening their presents...

Here she is with the scooter she asked from Santa..

Here's EJ busy with his new car collections with Dad helping him.. BOYS!

So there was our Christmas... How about you guys, how did you celebrate the yuletide season? Nothing can beat the feeling of celebrating Christmas with your family, with or without gifts as long as the family are together, its always good!


  1. Hello!thank you sa pagbisita mo sa blog ko.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas to you, your family and friends. God bless!

  3. In my family there are some religions. So we celebrate Christmas with prayers and eat together. Merry Christmas to you and family.

  4. Hi!

    It's great to see that your kids are enjoying their Christmas presents.


    Merry Christmas!

    About the video. I just got it from YouTube so of course, you can use it, too. :)

  5. Looks like the kidx had a marvelous day!

  6. we celebrated Christmas just like you, just the four of us! But it's fun! Happy Holidays!

  7. Sis! Belated Merry Christmas to you and your Family! And wishing you all the best for the coming year! mwah!

  8. wow nice gifts from sanata :-)

    jacob has the same scooter as rylie has, only jake has red one!

    thanks for the visit dear and have a nice day!

  9. thanks alot Mom..i will follow U too..we hope better life in the next year & get happiness

  10. You're welcome davamerce... thanks for visiting back..

  11. Thanks for the greetings ms. lincoln.. Likewise, happy holidays!

  12. Hi Tikno, glad to know that you also celebrate Christmas. I know that in your religion, most of you don't believe in our celebrations.. SAo I'm happy to know that!

  13. Thanks for your permission Lia, I have posted it on my other blog already!

  14. They did Ms. Sandy.. Hope you had a good one on your side...

  15. Yup, its always fun Liz when the family are together...

  16. Hello Ate Cecille, Its funny that kids really believe that Santa is real hehehe... That's why we have to be really sneaky hehehe...

  17. Hi Riema Sieze, we wish you the same.. may you have a properous new year!

  18. Hi sis Rose, looks like you really enjoyed your Christmas!

    Ours wasn't that bad, but would have been nice if we were at home with family!..

    Great to see you again here... GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS...

  19. Hi sis Rose, looks like you really had a good celebration though..

    Ours wasn't that bad, but would have been nice if we were at home with family!..

    Great to see you again here... GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS...

  20. Their Christmas pageant looks so cute . . . and how sweet that she tried to stay up for Santa!!!!

  21. Hi Mads, I agree with you.. we feel the same way too.. One good thing is that we are with our own family right?

  22. Hi Rachel, yeah she tried to sneak out and wait for him hahaha.. Good thing she didn't catch us hahaha..

  23. OUr Christmas was awesome...looks like yours was to :)


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