Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

I have  not blogged in  more than two weeks due to  our children's school activities.  We have been traveling  since the last week of  April.  Although we were back home on the second week of May, I haven't  gotten my mojo back.  I feel very drained and unmotivated to even write a post.  Anyway, Mother's Day was a blast.
 My husband cooked breakfast before we went to church, our kids served at the mass.  Then we came home after the mass  and took some family pictures before we went to the restaurant to eat.
 Our  kids sure have grown  so much.  Our  daughter has been studying for his finals.  This week will be her last week of school so we pretty much  spent our  evenings studying.  She  took some   placement tests to determine the subjects she will be taking in High School. 
While waiting for our daughter, my son and I had sweet moments.
 He might be as almost as tall as me now but he is still my baby.  He's very affectionate and not afraid to show  what he feels. 
 I live for this moment right here.  They seldom wants to be photographed these days but when he is goofing off, we take  the chance to capture it.
 Hubby and the kids took me to Chinese restaurant and we had our favorite dishes.
 They got me  some chocolates.
Usually, I get a pot of mini rose for special occasion but this year, I got an orchid.  I think my husband  saw how happy I was to successfully grow an orchid  and see it bloomed so he added another pot  for me to grow.  
Motherhood taught me so many things.  Being a stay-at-home-mom is a  great blessing as I get to witness all my children's  special moments and milestones.  I will be forever grateful to my husband for allowing me to be  with them everyday.  


  1. It looks like you had a great Mother's Day! That Chinese restaurant looks so delicious. We went out as well.

  2. I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day! My (grown) kids cooked lunch for me and showered me with gifts. I received a lemon tree and I'm so excited.

  3. That looks like a wonderful Mother's Day! Anytime that you can just spend with the family without being plugged in I consider that a win so when you can spend it with family on the celebration day it's even better!

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day! My sibling and I treated out mom to a dinner at home with some takeout :)

  5. What a great Mother’s Day, I’m glad you had time to spend with your family. Being a stay at home mom is amazing, you get to watch your children grow.

  6. Your son cracks me up! It looks like your family spoiled you appropriately! Happy Mother's Day!

  7. This looks like the most amazing time and Mother's Day. I love going out for sushi with my family.

  8. It sounds like you had an awesome Mother's Day. It's so important to catch those photos when you can.

  9. It is such a blessing that you have been able to stay home with your kids. I am so glad you had a lovely Mother's Day.

  10. I'm glad you had such a great Mother's Day! It is amazing how fast the years go by.

  11. Awww...It looks like you had an amazing Mother's Day with your beautiful family. I absolutely love the orchid and think it is much better than fresh cut flowers that won't last. (Btw, I place 3 ice cubes on top of my orchids each week and they are beautiful!)

  12. Sounds like you had a relaxing Mother's Day. Family time is always my favorite time!

  13. Happy to know you had a great celebration of Mother's day. You deserve it!

  14. Happy Belated Mother's Day! We had Chinese too, but we had a takeout instead of going to the resto.


  15. What a beautiful day! It's the best way to celebrate Mother's Day with your family!

  16. Looks like you had a lovely day with your family! That's definitely the way to do it. I worked in the morning and then relaxed for the rest of the day!

  17. I'm loving how mouth-watering those appetizers are. So sweet to be with family and those you love.


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