Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2nd Scrimmage Football Game

On August 24th, the Jr. Dons team had their 2nd scrimmage.  They played against the team from   Parkersburg WV.  This team was  way different than the first team they played against.  They were very  respectful  and fun to play with.  The Jr. Dons lost again but  they are getting better.  They played better than the first scrimmage that they had against Steubenville team.  
Football is very big here so I guess, it is  always  every father's dream for their sons to play football.  ?That's the way it is for my husband.  He is always excited for  our son's game.  I guess, it is kind of living his dream through EJ since he never got the chance to play when he was younger.  
Even my daughter is  excited that his brother is playing.  I guess, I am the one who  is still apprehensive about him playing because I am always scared that he is going to get hurt.
They wore their  other uniform which has their numbers.  My son's number is 33.
We are still wondering if he could really see what's going on in the game because he doesn't have his eyeglasses on.  So this weekend, we talked to him sincerely and asked him if he needs a sports google  for him to see better and he said yes.  So we ordered him one but he won't be getting it until the  the  second week of this month.
He is not crazy about the daily practice but he really love football.  The coaches told us parents that they might not be able to win this whole season just because his team are a bunch of kids who just started playing this year.  The teams that they have been playing against have been playing for  few  years already.  But the good thing is that, they would be able to have the experience and see how it feels out there in the field against other teams.
Jr. Dons need to be a little aggressive, right now, they are so gentle when they play.
So other teams are just crushing them but it is okay, it is a learning experience.
It is really fun to watch  these kids play.
Pizza was served after the game.  It is nice that  parents are so involved in this.  We even have  schedule of volunteers to do specific things during the game.
My duty is to wash his uniform everyday because if you don't, it would certainly stink.
The next game was held in Steubenville.  I will post about it next time.


  1. I always enjoyed watching my kids play sports. Now I'm watching the grandkids and all four boys are playing soccer right now. So much fun!

  2. As a Mom it can be tougher to watch our kids play sports. My son is playing soccer and we love cheering him on but I do worry about him getting hurt.

  3. The biggest part of this post that I love is that your son is out there playing even though he's having trouble seeing exactly what's going on. That's commitment!

  4. What a great weekend! I love watching my kiddo play sports! I am glad that he decided to get sport goggles! If you can't see well then you can't play well! :)

  5. I remember when my son played football about a million years ago. We always had lots of fun supporting our kids in sports!

  6. Sounds like fun! My daughter used to be into sports, but she didn't want to continue as she got older. She will go and support her friends though! Great post!

  7. I'm glad your son is enjoying football! I'm sure he learns new things from every scrimmage.

  8. It looks like everyone really enjoyed themselves! There is nothing better than some pizza to finish off a game.

  9. This sounds and looks like such a great time with family! Glad you were able to share it.

  10. What a fun time! I love watching all sorts of sports, and seeing kids enjoy them too is so much fun! Love these pics, you'll have them to cherish! :) -Lynzy

  11. I'm glad you had a great time watching your son! It's important to be supportive even if you feel a little apprehensive about what they're pursuing.

  12. My kids never got into football. We've been a baseball/softball family. Sports def keep the family super busy, but I love it!

  13. Your pictures show how much fun your family had at the game! I think that sports for kids is an excellent idea. Kids have tons of energy to burn off and they learn so much rom being on a team.

  14. Football season is my favorite season. I love seeing adorable pictures of family time! :)

  15. Football would make me nervous too, but it looks like he is having a lot of fun. I am hoping my kids will want to play some kinda of sport, but if not that is ok. I played softball growing up.

  16. I enjoying watching football not my favorite sport but I like it. And it is more exciting if your kids are playing. I admire parents who encourage their kids into sport than forcing them to play.

  17. Looks like you guys had fun. I can see it through your photos. I don't understand football at all...LOL!

  18. You had a great time watching your son and It looks like everyone is enjoying themselves! Love it!


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