Monday, March 14, 2016

New Home for Dad

My sister in-law visited us last Wednesday informing us that she  is going to put  Dad in a home as  it is getting  harder  for her to take care of him.  I applaud her for doing it for several  months but I know that eventually her body will give up as  she is not getting any younger and Dad is getting weaker so moving him around is hard.  John suggested to put Dad in a home  earlier but  they thought that putting Dad in a home  is like abandoning him. 
This is where Dad lives now, it is called Woodland  Hills Manor.  He was moved there last Friday.
The place was nice.  The employees seems friendly although we didn't talk to anyone.  Dad was sitting in the lounge area when we arrived.  He didn't  know who we were but he was sure happy to  have visitors.  
It was my first time visiting a  nursing home and I feel overwhelmed with sadness.  However, I would consider working in a nursing home if given a chance.  I think working with old folks is rewarding.
We will see you again this weekend Dad.  


  1. Awww, it kind of bitter sweet that he needs to go to a home. My goal in life is to live my entire life in my own home.

  2. It is hard to see our parents get older. I worry about mine all the time and they are healthy. I hope that he will be happy there and that you will have piece of mind.

  3. It is sad that he has to go to a home. I would want to stay in my own home, but I would understand it if my kids need to move me into a nursing home when I am older.

  4. Aw, it's never easy having to make this decision, but it is usually in the best interest for all involved. I hope this is a good home that will take good care of your father.

  5. It is so tough making the decision to move family to a nursing facility. I personally wants what is easiest for my kids when I'm older. I hope he enjoys it in his new home.

  6. It sounds like you are making some pretty hard decisions. It's wonderful that you live close enough to visit and spend time with your dad.

  7. making decision was really hard for me, I really want what's easy for my kids

  8. Awww that must be tough to have to see him there. It looks like a really nice place though.

  9. This reminds me of my MIL whom I never got to meet. Although it broke my husband's heart to put her in a home, he had no choice. :(

  10. It is always hard to transition a loved one into a home. This looks like a great place.

  11. We are in the process of finding my grandmother a home. It's hard and said but necessary.

  12. How important and sentimental is this! I love that he is within a home and comfortable.

  13. Awwwww glad you found a great place for him!!!! It's always a sad yet refreshing feeling to find the right place. We just went threw this for my hubby's dad

  14. Yay for your Dad. I'm sure it's not fun to put someone in a home but I'm sure it will be better for everyone in the long Run!

  15. This must be such a hard decision to make..I can't even imagine. It looks like a lovely place for him to live.

  16. It's a hard decision to make, but it's good that you all chose a nice facility for him. It's so hard to see our loved ones fade and get to this point!

  17. It looks like a cozy and lovely place for him to live. Hope he will enjoy his new home

  18. It must have been hard for all of you to finally decide to put your Dad in a home. The important thing is to make sure he's well cared for.

  19. It's really hard to watch our loved ones get older and this is a hard decision. Good luck and stay strong.

  20. It's so hard watching those who took care of us, now needing to be taken care of! It looks like he is in a lovely place, with a loving and heartfelt family.

  21. So heartbreaking. Glad you found him a place and that you go visit often. He might not recognize you but just being there is enough.

  22. So hard to make a decision like this! I have been planning so my son does not have to be feeling guilty and my husband and I can transition when time comes!

  23. This is always a hard time for any family to move elderly relatives. I hope that this is a great place for him!

  24. That was really a sad move but will definitely benefit your father-in-law.


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