Friday, October 30, 2015

A Summer Job They BOth Love

These past summer, one of our neighbor hire the kids to take care of their dog whenever they're at work.  The kids were very happy because  they find something to do  during their school break.  I   was so glad too because  at a young age, my kids are starting to appreciate having a "job" and earning from it.  So you see, just because  they work for it, they learn to value their money.  
 I mean, I have no issue with my daughter in saving money but my son is a spender.  This  "job" however , changed his perception about  spending.  He learned that, it feels better to  work and "earn" from it.  He saved all his "summer job" pay in his wallet and hasn't  spend it yet.  He said that he will continue to save his money so that when he is old enough to drive, he has some saved up already to buy his own car.  I think, in his mind, buying a car is like buying a box of donutt lol.  But it's okay, at least he is  setting a goal for him to work on.
 I love that our neighbors dogs are so gentle.  They are big dogs but really gentle with kids.
 We had a great summer and these dogs are part of it.  Dog sitters is a summer job they both love.
Our children are still young but hubby and I  are  planting seed in their young mind that  it is very important to be active.  We told them the importance of  work and working hard to achieve  goals.


  1. I love that your kids are active and there is nothing like walking a big dog to get in a great workout.

  2. What a great idea for kids to do! I think once my kiddo gets older we might look into this! Right now he is doing a little around the house to earn some money.

  3. I think it's a great idea to put kids to work. It teaches them responsibility, and that's something that's in short supply these days.

  4. I can't wait until my kids are older to have summer jobs! hehe. I love how they can be active while getting paid!

  5. My boys have chores so I can try to teach them early about responsibility. Each week I make sure to give them a few dollars so they can see that their hard work payed off :) Your neighbors pups are so cute!! Labs are the best :)

  6. That is a great job! My kids have to spend their own money on a lot of the stuff they want. I've found they don't want it as much when they have to pay for it!

  7. Oh my gosh what an awesome experience for them. They must have had a ton of fun and learned some new things about responsibility.

  8. gorgeous photos. I love a good family outing and getting the dogs involved and exercise is a plus.

  9. What a great learning experience for the kids. Those are some gorgeous dogs too. We have a large dog and he is so gentle with the girls.

  10. Dog sitting is a great job for kids! I hope they continue to like it and keep learning these important life lessons.

  11. The dogs looks so gentle and kind and obviously the kids are having a great time. It's good to teach them the important of working hard to attain one's goal.

  12. What a fun way to teach them about money and how to earn it. Dog sitting will also keep them active.

  13. This is too cute! My son loves dogs so this would be the perfect little job for him.

  14. My daughter would have loved that job too. She just loves animals. What a great way to teach them about responsibility.

  15. This is such a wonderful idea. When I was younger I used to babysit the local animals too during summer and winter breaks.

  16. My daughter and I love taking our dogs for a walk and I know she would love it if we would get her a job walking someone else's dog too. She loves dogs so much!

  17. This is an excellent idea to get the kiddos involved and teaching them responsibility. We have actually discussed this with the older kids.

  18. That is awesome! Wish we could find our son a job like that here too. I know he would enjoy it because he loves dogs.

  19. This is a great way for kids to earn money during the summer. My boys would cut grass and do yard work for extra cash during the summer for neighbors.

  20. What an amazing way for kids to learn how to earn money AND get some puppy time in!

  21. This is a great idea! It's a great way to teach kids responsibility and be able to hang out with adorable pups! - Jeanine

  22. As he gets older have him work at a car dealership (they need folks to wash the cars on the lots), it will give a real idea of what cars costs and the value of taking care of them. Looks like they are both off to a great start.

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  23. Your children are so beautiful! What a great idea to keep them busy and responsible, I'm sure they enjoyed it!

  24. It's good to teach them while they are young! They look to be enjoying what they are doing a lot!

  25. This is so wonderful, this is something my family needs to do more of, taking the dogs out for walks and exercise with the family. ;)

  26. Awe, beautiful dogs and what a fun job to do! I used to walk a neighbor's dog when I was younger – great thing for an animal lover.

  27. It hink being a dog sitter would be fun. I bet my daughter would love it too.

  28. I love that you have found a way to let your young kids work. It is so important to learn how to work and understand money. It is never to early. I need to find jobs for my kids.

  29. HI Rose! I've missed swinging by here!

    You did a marvellous job raising up the beautiful Burritos! You're one of my inspirations! Hugs!


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