Saturday, April 18, 2015

Made With Love Canvas of our Wedding Photo by CanvasPop

My  husband and I's wedding anniversary is coming up.  We have been married for 12 years and I can happily say that we are still  so much in love with each other.  With two kids and two dogs, life gets busies each day but we don't let it  affect  of how we treat each other.  Okay, let me end my cheesy post here lol.  Anyway, I always want a canvas of our wedding picture and I am so grateful that   CanvasPop contacted me about product review.
I am very happy that even though the photo I have submitted to them is  a photo that I took from our  old photo, they did their magic to make it look like the original photo.  They did such an amazing job in turning it into canvas.  I have purchased  a canvas of my kids picture  from them before and so glad to enjoy their great service again.  
From the packaging to the frames, they do such a great quality work to make sure that  you'll be a satisfied customer.  
I love the thickness of the frame and how they secure it with staples around.  As you can see in the photo below, you can tell how professionally they did it.I also like the fact that they are now putting the extra padding, they did not have that before.  I think with that extra padding, the canvas  hangs evenly when you put it up on the wall.
Even the hook accessories is well packaged, you will never lose it as it is fastened  on the  wire at the back.
They gave me a $30  gift card discount  so if you are interested in ordering  a canvas, I can give you the code to use.  Just message  me on my Facebook page or just shoot me an email at cutiestfriendAtYahooDotCom.
Working with CanvasPop is fun because  you have  the ability to request a change or  make them edit a photo before you approve the final  copy.  As I have mentioned above, I only took photo of the original photo and submitted it to them. It has some yellowish part n my right shoulder so I asked them to   crop/edit for me and they did.
I hang it on top of my office wall.
The photos on the other side of the wall are all canvases and most of the photos that I have in our family wall are all canvas.  I just love them that way!  Our wedding picture is  my 11th canvas at home and I am planning to  purchase another one  to make it a dozen.
I highly recommend CanvasPop for  your canvas need.  They do a great job  in making sure that you are getting exactly what you want in  a picture.  The price is reasonable and you are sure that you get not only their high quality product but a great customer service as well.

Disclosure: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the products mentioned  in exchange of my honest  opinion which may differ from yours. 


  1. Aww, I love wedding photos and I think CanvasPop is a great ( and sweet ) gesture to remind you and your husband of that big day, 12 years ago. Happy Anniversary to you guys and may you count years and a lifetime of love and joy.

  2. I love how your canvas turned out! It's gorgeous! I always have good intentions of having some pictures made into canvases, but I never get around to it. I really need to do this.

  3. I wanted to get my Stepdaughters family Christmas photo done on canvas. I didn't get it done, but maybe this summer I can get a great picture of them at the beach.

  4. This is such a cool idea. I've seen this before, and I really want to get something like this with the kids.

  5. What a great idea! My mom does this all the time by putting pictures on canvases. I think they're absolutely beautiful and your wedding pictures are beautiful as well!

  6. This is adorable, I need to get one for my mother for Mother's Day!

  7. You canvas turned out lovely. We have some canvas prints that we had done a while back and we absolutely love them.

  8. This is such a neat gift idea. Love it!

  9. What a beautiful wedding photo-I can see why you would want it on canvas to last a very long time! I have a canvas photo of my first cat and may get one done of my second cat as well. Actually maybe I'll get pics of my dogs and have them done as well!

  10. Your canvas turned out really well! My daughter is getting married next month so I'm sure she would love a canvas print.

  11. That is lovely! What a fun way to decorate your home. Thanks for sharing this!

  12. Wow that looks great on canvas. You guys look amazing together in your wedding photo.

  13. Your picture turned out amazing! CanvasPop did a really great job. I might have to talk to the husband about having one of our pictures done like that!

  14. That is so awesome. I would like to try having this done to a couple of our older photos from my mom and grandmother.

  15. Such a beautiful photo! I want one of those, thanks for sharing :D

  16. I absolutely love canvas photos!!! That's a great picture!

  17. What a beautiful canvas! I love canvas photos and just had one done for my husband of him and his late grandma!

  18. I have yet to print off any photos from our wedding day. I might end up going to get some of these canvases for ourselves!!

  19. I love Canvas prints and I love a great deal on them. I has one done of our wedding photo through a different vendor, it turned out good, but I'd live to try one with this vendor because it turned out beautiful.

  20. That turned out great! I'll have to try them!

  21. That picture looks amazing! I need to order some canvas prints for my house for sure!

  22. I really love canvas prints, I have so many of them in my house. Your print is lovely, enjoy it :)

  23. I love Canvas prints! We have so many at home and I wouldn't mind adding more if I had more space. What a beautiful picture.

  24. That's awesome! Your picture looks great! Glad to know that you and your husband are still very much in love after twelve years! That says a lot for your relationship!

  25. A few years back my family and I had a similar canvas made of a family portrait, and it doesn't look nearly this good! I will have to check out CanvasPop next time!

  26. This turned out amazing. I have many photos around that need a Canvas. I will check them out

  27. Omg!!! Loving the canvas!!!! I made canvases of my daughters cake smash photos and they came out amazing!!!!

  28. This is such a beautiful photo. I love it on the canvas. I have a few pictures i would love to do.

  29. I have always loved the look of canvas prints. I even have a few canvas prints, too. Thanks for introducing this company!

  30. I've seen a lot of canvas prints and I've always wanted to get one but never got around to doing it. And now I'm reminded again. LOL. Nice wedding photo, by the way. ;)

  31. I've always wanted to do with with some of our wedding photos - Your canvas turned out so lovely!

  32. It look so neat and elegant canvas print and the capture is so beautiful. I might get one from them.

  33. What an absolutely beautiful picture! I can totally see why you'd have that turned into a canvas print!

  34. I need to get more of my photos printed on canvas. It is such a beautiful look and very vibrant color.

  35. Your canvas print turned out beautifully! I wonder if we can also have something like that in the living room.

  36. Aww super cute. I'd love to havw a canvas for me and my lover in the future. :)


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