Monday, June 9, 2014

Doodle4Google Winner

The winning design of  Doodle4Google is displayed at Google homepage today (June 9).  The winner this year  is Audrey Zhang from  Island Trees Memorial Middle School, New York.
Daughter  was bummed out that she did not placed during the national round but it was a great experience for her.  We told her that it was her first try and she was very lucky that she was chosen as the state of West Virginia's winner.  Her goal of winning the  education grant for the school wasn't realized but she still have years to try it.
It was hard getting pictures of all of them as  there were so many parents who wants to take  pictures after the ceremony.
This photo was emailed to us by a Google representative.  Thank you!
This photo was emailed to us by a Google representative.  Thank you!
This is Audrey Zhang's Doodles from last year and this year.  The theme is almost the same but this year's  was more defined and has a  lot of characters.   She was the New York's finalist  last year as well and this year, she bagged the  National prize.  Congratulations Audrey!
Here's Ms. Burrito with Audrey Zhang taken at Sheraton Hotel the night after the ceremony.  Ms. B. congratulated her so I took a shot of them.
You can watch the video below as she  helped the team of Doodlers from Google animates her  winning design.


  1. what an awesome experience....:) the winner's entry is brilliant too!

  2. Now, that is definitely such an awesome experience :)

  3. Congratulations to the winner and to Ms. Burrito for bagging the WV title for Google. It's still an honor to represent a whole state in that kind of competition. She has more years to hone her skills and talent. Way to go!

  4. It was a winner experience for Ms. Burrito already plus she had a photo with the winner. That is awesome!! Until next contest, we will support again.

  5. Kind of disappointed that your kid didn't win.. But it sure sounds like a great accomplishment, especially at that age!!! Congrats!

  6. What a beautiful experience for her to remember forever! It is not always about the winning but the journey to get there.

  7. Congratulations to your daughter! I'm feeling like a proud mama too because she made as the state's winner and making it all the way to the end! And what a nice effort in helping her school secure an education grant.

    Good luck and great job and I am sure you are proud parents. Keep fanning the flames because she will definitely go places!

  8. Wow! Those kids are truly gifted! I wish mine would someday be like them. Congrats to your daughter, she's already a winner! :)

  9. Even if Rylie didn't win, she's still a winner. She gained friends and was able to build another memory. It was such a great experience.

  10. Kids nowadays are just very smart at very young age. No matter what their been true in the eyes of their parents they already a winner.

  11. Wow, what a great experience for your daughter. I voted for her entry. Joining contests like this help a lot in holistic development of kids.

  12. There's always chances to come. you made your parents proud young lady.

  13. congratulations to all the winners. congratulations to Ms. Burrito, too, for doing a great job! :)

  14. Wow! The pretty and smart Ms. Burrito is surrounded with talented kids like her. Congrats again to you and to your daughter too Sis Rose :-) I bet you are very proud of her :-) that is one amazing event of a lifetime that I bet it will linger to your hearts forever :-)

  15. Just being able to represent your state in a competition like this is already a big accomplishment, so yes, your daughter is a winner, too. Congratulations!

  16. Ms Burrito is already a winner for us. Being able to represent a state. Well, that is HUGE!

  17. I think Ms. Burrito is still a winner! She shouldn't be bummed out.

  18. What an amazing experience for Ms. B! :) More tries to come, Ms. B! You'll hit the spot soon! :) Keep trying and never give up.

  19. Wow congrats to your daughter for making it that far!!

  20. Wow that's such a great opportunity! You must be a really proud mom. That's amazing! I wish I had artistic skill. :)


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