Monday, February 3, 2014

New Hair Cut

  Cutting our own hair is one thing that hubby and I  started  doing  at home  when we moved to Korea.  He went to  Japan one time and found this hair cut set at  the Navy Exchange for  $20.  He called me and asked me if  I want to start cutting his hair and I told him; I will give it a try.   Since then, we  have been cutting our own hair.
I decided to  cut my   long hair  yesterday when I woke up.  I cut 4 inches  or so off my hair.  Hubby always like my hair long  but  it get so tiring maintaining it.  Sometimes I would ask him if I can cut my hair but yesterday I just went ahead because I know he would say No again lol.  He did help me straighten out the back part though since I could not see it.
I did not cut it very short so he won't  be disappointed.  I think shoulder length hair is  a good length to  maintain for a hair.  I always love  having bangs even when I was younger.  It hides my wide forehead lol.
Thanks for the photo HON and for your understanding,  I winked at him when he took the photo because he thought it was too short lol.

Cutting our own hair is one of those things that hubby and I figured out to cut cost  in order  to save  a bit for our household budget.  A decent hair cut for hubby here in the area cost $15 +tip, he has to have a hair cut every month so we are saving 240 in a year just for  his hair cut.  With me, an average hair cut here is $20 +tip so I am saving a bit of money as well  We also cut our children's hair so the hair cut for the whole family is free.   Let us say that we save $500 a year for a haircut, that is a good money that goes towards our  vacation money or other expenses.  How about you, how do you cut cost  from  family budget?  Share your strategies and tips.


  1. Better haircut for you...a lioness-style, it fits with your oval face. Your husband will be surprised with your new looks, so it needs a little "husband and wife bonding."

  2. wow! I adore your bravery.. I even scared to cut my son's haircut as I have a bad experience before. you look great,

  3. haircut is that expensive in korea? D: Anyway it's good you at least found a way to save! I've been wanting to do this as well but I can only manage to cut my bangs.

  4. Nice haircut. You look fresher with the new hair style.

  5. I think your hair cut looks great! You did amazing, i would have no confidence to cut my own hair. I cut the hubby and son's hair but not mine and my daughters. To stressful to think about if I mess up. Guys can just get buzzed if I screw up lol

  6. Great haircut, sis! I did a DIY cut on my bangs a week ago, too, but that is as far as I will go hihi.

  7. Sis I am tempted to cut my long heavy thick hair. I have no time to take care of it sometimes and it gives me headache. I hope I am as good as you and I have a good set of scissors too

  8. Bangs sure isn't for everyone. I did try bangs before, but I won't go back again. LOL! I do cut my husband's hair too and Harley's. Even Selby just a trim on the bangs and I do mine as well. Although, one of these days I would surely love to have my hair cut professionally and maybe color at least once. Maybe on my birthday, perhaps? I don't want to cut it short too since I want my hair long. :)

  9. oh really?? i, never in my wildest imagination, thought i could cut my own hair, so, when i heard a close friend of mine cut hers, i was amazed but coming from you, i'm beginning to have a different opinion, maybe i could learn to cut mine if i put my heart to it, lol!

  10. I wish I knew how to cut just like you sis so I can save big time on salon fees. It's a very lucrative thing here. Unlike in the Philippines, you can get a decent hair cut for just $5. :)

    I like your cutting tools. They're so salon pro.

  11. Yah, I agree with lonh hair, it just hard to maintain though I missed my long hair. Anyway, I am the hairdresser in the family too. You're so good in cutting your own hair.

  12. I just cut mine off too.I love your new look and I bet hubby will too.My hubby too likes long hair on me.

  13. I can't cut my hair so I still need to go to the salon which rarely happens so it's ok. But I do cut/shave my hubby's hair and the kids, I do their hair too.

  14. you look great on your new hair sis! I went over board this the shortest haircut in my life...pixie style! lol! Hubby was disappointed about what I!

  15. How cool! I wish I'll have the confidence too to do it for my husband and mine. He does his own so I am spared. Hahaha! You look lovely Rose as usual! Mwah!

  16. You're so brave! I used to cut my bangs but I'm scared to cut everything. And your haircut looks great! You'll definitely save a lot this year :)

  17. Wow sis its a talent, i remember i tried to cut my bangs when i was a kid and i look funny afterwards he he. Since then i never tried it again i have no talent with it. You look blooming sis :)

  18. You look good with bangs sis. I cut my daughter's hair, I don't want to pay their outrageous price.hehehe

  19. hubby cuts his own hair as well, he does not have the patience to wait in the salon, haha! he also does not trust me anymore since once, I shaved his head off accidentally, haha, he almost cried from seeing his bald head :), so he wore cap at work even if he was inside the office.

    i cut my own bangs, wish I know how to cut my hair, my first time to do it, I had very good reviews, but second time, I failed terribly and I looked horrible I had to go to the salon to help my hair look decent. After that, I did not try anymore.

  20. nice hair cut :) if only the picture will be the basis and not reading the content, anyone will think that it was cut by a professional hairstylist :)

  21. Now, you just gave me an idea. It might just push me to learn to cut my husband's hair. Like your husband he gets a haircut every month and he pays $30 plus tip (lahat dito sa NY mahal huhu). He's been going to the same barber since his college days. At most I get my haircut thrice a year but I go to my preferred hair salon and I won't even write here how much I pay for a haircut haha. Nakaka guilty but we need to get a haircut some time.

  22. Awww! You look amazing Sis and young as well. It saves money than going to the hair saloon.

  23. I've never tried to cut my own hair. I fear that it might not look good when it's done. I leave it to the professionals. :D


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