Monday, February 10, 2014

A Decade's Joyful Memories

These photos were taken   almost ten years ago when the President of Divine Word College of Legazpi had his birthday.  The birthday celebration which was attended by all the teaching and non-teaching employees of the school was held in Sto. Domingo, Albay, October  4, 2004.  I was already on-leave that time. I attended the said event because I knew that that would be my last time to be with my close friends in school.
The Non-Teaching employees, which is us, wore blue color and the faculty in college  wore yellow.  Below are two of my closest friends which I  dearly missed.  We call each other Buds.  We used to always  chit chat when I was still there.  We  always go to the school canteen  during snack time and eat pancit lol.
Below is a good friend of mine who also got hired  in the school after she  graduated.  She now lives in Germany with her family.  Miss you Mads Fe!
I miss  working and I miss the company of my friends.  I wish we live close by so I could pay them a visit.  The five years that I spent working in school taught me so much about  life, being a  friend, being a co-worker, being a listener to some students.  I miss the laughter that me and  the student leaders  always shared at the office.  Those were the days!

PS.. Sorry for the blurry pics, I just  took  pictures of the old photos from the album.  I wasn't in the mood to  remove them from the album and scan them lol.


  1. ako buds hanap ko CR...hehehe..

  2. You can say now, those were the days..a happy days. Indeed just a past...

  3. nostalgic moment right there....:) you still look the same sis 10 years ago...nothing change...still sexy and fit!

  4. Aww, such things are totally irreplaceable and to be treasured. :)

  5. those were the happy years in life, we all have something to look back, memories that will make us smile and cry at the same time, how time flies ano

  6. A decade is really a lot of memories. It's always nice to look back those memories.

  7. You didn't change a bit sis! You still look like how you were 10 years back and that's pretty amazing! If you'll compare my before and after pics, you'll see a significant change - weight wise hahaha.

    It's nice to reminisce right esp with great people around who made those memories extra fun and wonderful.

  8. It's always a great way to have pictures of each event or activity you guys went into, those are the memories you would not want to forget.

  9. You know, sis, you have a baby face. Indeed, a good memories to kept and worth to share.

  10. Looking back at memories such ss these does not fail in bringing me big time smiles and all the joyful photos here Rose.

  11. this is such a perfect throwback Rose. It's really nice to go back memory lane sometimes. It would be nice to reshot this with in your next reunion... :)

  12. Thank God for pictures, kahit blurry and all, they indeed bring back good memories and they never fail to bring back the joy that we once felt. Ako din, madami akong ganyan. Picture na pinicturan hahaha.

    Keep warm!

  13. sounds like an amazing phase of your life. I do miss my friends too specially the ones in singapore who's been a family for me who literally sleep eat and just do anything in our house. I haven't tried looking at photos in a photo album for solong.

  14. oh, how fun to reminisce those old memories!

  15. You look so young here! :D

    Anyway, it's really hard to be away from the country where you are from and to miss your colleagues to where you work before is one challenge that we must encounter. If you decide to visit them again, it will be so much fun to reminisce the funny, sad and happy moments. :D

  16. It's always good to take a visit to the memory lane! Natuwa naman ako sa photos niyo :D For sure, sa album pa yan kinuha. LOL

  17. Nostalgic! I do remember your Nostalgia meme with this post, Rose! One thing is certain: you're simply AGELESS!


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