Monday, December 16, 2013

A Day Off from Work

My husband did not go to work today. He took a day off so we could finish shopping for the kids' gifts. I was glad that he took a day off because we got to spend time together without the kids for a while, not that I don't want the kids with us but when you are shopping, having no kids is better. When we came back, I was so tired but was tempted to browsed at the rtg bonus from this no deposit bonus blog. I am not a gamer but got curious because I have seen somebody posted about this no deposit blog.  I am sure that those people who likes to play games online could benefit to this offer. 

Anyway, we got home right in time to get the kids from school.  We did not get all of the  stuff that we wanted to buy but I think it would be enough for the kids. 


  1. my husband and i play online games during idle times, that is when we have nothing to do the whole day lol

  2. I could very well share this with some of my friends - some are still into gaming hehe.. it's fun.

  3. Buying Christmas gifts for kids is best when they aren't around to see them and also you can have time with each other while the kids are at school.

  4. And that's what I call a productive day.

  5. I agree with Franc :) A very productive day indeed! hahaha. Kidding aside, there are times when I feel like there should be longer off days than actual work days. Wishful thinking! hahaha

  6. I'm sure the kids are already excited to see the gifts! It's such a fulfilling to get Christmas shopping done. I stay away from online games nowadays because I easily get addicted to them. :) But who knows, I might be visiting that site, too. :)

  7. Christmas is over, I bet your kids are so delighted with all the gifts they received last holiday.


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