Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I just want to thank you all for being  part of our  virtual journey.  It's been  a pretty interesting experience  ever since I have started blogging.  I have met  some genuine friends and acquaintances.   I even  thank God for those not-so genuine ones  because it is them that I learned how to deal with very different  people.

I Am Thankful
For the Food in the table
For the  obstacles that we got thru
For the lessons that we learned from experiences.
For my husband, my children, pets, relatives and friends.
Above all, thank you for all the blessings that comes our way everyday!

So for all of you who are reading this Thanksgiving  note, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and happy Thanksgiving Day from my family to yours!


  1. For all the blessings we received the whole year through and in the next days to come - the food, good health, friendship and more, we give thanks and praise - To God be the Glory! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family :)

  2. Thanks so much and hope your family had a wonderfully delicious day! :)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, sis! More blessings to come. Cheers!

  4. Belated Happy Thanksgiving sis! May your family be blessed more.

  5. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend! We did, we had lots of fun and were blessed to spend it with people we love.

  6. Thank you for sharing the thankful thought you have this year with us.

  7. Happy belated thanksgiving to you and your family.

  8. You are blessed with a wonderful husband and kids. Lovely family indeed.

  9. I maybe late in saying Happy Thanksgiving but I will still say it. Thanks too for letting us journey with you and your family!

  10. It was kind of you to share your Thanksgiving list with your reader. You do indeed hae a lot to be thankful for.

  11. What a beautiful post and a beautiful family. Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Beautiful post, Beautiful family! I am thankful for life. ;) Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving! It looks like you and your family had a stellar time!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you mommy! may we all be blessed again this coming year!


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