Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Parenting Challenges

Parenting is very challenging.  There are times that I feel like I am not doing the right things that I suppose to teach my kids.  I sometimes think that  what I am doing is wrong  because I disappoint my kids or  their feelings get hurt with what I tell them.  Just like this morning, my daughter went to school  crying because I scolded her for showing me an attitude.
Maybe I am being too hard on her and expect her to do things that I learned to do at an early age.  Maybe, I am missing the point that  kids these days are different than my era.  On the other hand, I want them to learn things  now because I do believe that it will help them achieve their goals and it will make them a better person.  I don't know if it's me or all parents experience this kind of  things.  You know what I mean, when you doubt  your capability of   doing the right things for your kids.  Any advice?


  1. I think that our kids need to know that they need us to know what's right and what's wrong. I don't think it's wrong for you to scold her sis. We do scold our children and even spank them if needed. The lessons they'll learn from us would be something that they'd look back to and someday, they will thank us for it.

  2. I do not have children so can not give any advice-but what I do know is as children start to grow up they do get attitudes and unfortunately you are going to hurt their feelings one way or another. You have to teach them what is right and wrong and kids will sometimes fight that.

  3. My husband always tells me to give my daughter a time-out and for myself to exhale all the bad feelings and for my daughter to have some space as well when we encounter such bad moods and tell her to come to me when she's ready and not grumpy anymore and then after a few minutes she will come to me and say sorry or i will come to her (if its my fault) afterwards and give each other a big hug. Now my daughter get use to this Time-Out routine which is good for all of us. Hope this helps.

  4. My husband tells me that my daughter is just 4 year old and I have to slow down to discipline my daughter. Though hubby and I talk how we raised our daughter but being at my daughter all the time is kinda hard and I guess its hard for us mom no to be strict with our kids.

  5. you are right, it's hard when you are seeing your kids hurting when you are correcting them. But it shows how much you love them. If you won't discipline the child at early age, he will carry that bad behavior until he grows up and much harder to correct them. Early discipline is good as this gives better chance of moulding a child to become a good individual or person. I'll share with my post about parenting. hope this helps : http://www.itswomanpower.com/2010/01/to-smack-or-not-to-smack.html

  6. One piece of advice sis, say SORRY whenever you hurt your kids feeling and tell them what point you are driving at, para ma-grasp nila ang situation.

  7. Rose, I don't have kids yet. But I think you're just doing the right. Kids must be reminded of what to do and not to do. That includes the right attitude towards the older people. BUt I understand you as well how hard it is to see your daughter cry.

  8. Parenting is very hard and it needs hard work in order to see that our kids will grow up in the best character that we want them to be. we want to teach them our parents taught us to be. i assumed that what we feel is just normal, we need to disappoint our kids if they want things that we think aren't necessary in order for them to strive their own best to get something on their own.

    1. we need to be firm with our decision sometimes although it breaks our heart because we know that this is good for them.

  9. I am sure you are doing the right thing mommy. Of course, you were telling her the right things to do and the right way to behave so I am sure she will be fine. Parenting definitely isn't easy and sure requires a lot of patience and it is a huge responsibility to raise kids. I for one think I am not being a good mom, sometimes. I just feel horrible, but I guess that it is normal to feel that way. It just validates that we do care for our kids and we just want what's good for them. You'll be fine.

    1. I think you guys have already done a great job raising them though. Sometimes they just have their own tantrum moments, but I am sure they are good kids. :)

  10. It is really hard for me to scold my kids. I don't want to see them crying, that's my weakness to see their tears. But, we, parents, really need to scold them when they needed it.

  11. i do sometime feel the same when it comes to disciplining my kid. kids these days are so sensitive but we have to be firm. letting them understand and explaining them like this like that is the only way to let them know that we just want the best for them

  12. I think I have given my parents a hard time while I was still growing. I was a brat, I think. I'm a spoiled little brat by my Lolo. Well, I think they can't blame me. For the first 6 years of my life, I don't see anyone in our house other than my Lolo. They were so busy with their own lives. They told me they were not ready to have me yet.

    But, I realized I was too hard on them later on. I realized that no matter what happen, they are still my parents. I give my two thumbs up to you Ate and to all other parents for stretching your patience a little more for us, your children even if sometimes we shows unpleasant attitude.

  13. Oh! Parenting....... No one has ever perfected it. Hehehehehe!

  14. Yes tell me about! Parenting is the hardest job of all. You just did the proper way!

  15. Parenting is a tough job but I think you are doing the right thing. We need to teach our kids and parenting doesn't always make us the most popular person with our kids. :)

  16. I feel you! That happens to my and my Tween daughter too. :( It freaking sucks and sometimes I always think I'm screwing her up just by being her mother.. But thankfully, my husband is there for me to remind me that we need to scold them when they do something bad because it will make them better people.. HUGS! As far as I can tell, you're an awesome mom. :)

  17. l have read somewhere in the scriptures that a little disciplining won't hurt but lead our kids to the right way. l share your doubts when it comes to raising kids these days. It is sometimes too challenging!

  18. I salute parents who try to discipline their kids to become a better person (As long as it doesn’t turn to violence). You daughter is blessed because she is guided.

  19. Parenting is not easy because we are supposed to be the living examples of what should our children would become. If we're too cruel, chances are they will be too. Discipline is very important to impose.

  20. It's life and scolding them for things they shouldn't do or could be disrespectful is a must. Otherwise eventually they walk around showing that attitude to others as well. I'm sure you're a Great mom and she will later reflect the things you teach her now. :)

  21. Discipline is important at all ages. Children without discipline grow up to be selfish, ungrateful adults because they have always gotten their way. The most important thing about discipline though is for children to know that you still love them. Even is times of disagreement, you will still always be there for them.

  22. How are you and your cute girl now?


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