Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wishing Well

Below is one of the photos I took during our three mile walk.  The kids were mesmerized by this wishing  well.  They asked me for some coins but I did not have  any with me.

I will update this post maybe tomorrow night. Gotta hit the sack now.

"If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well" - Giselle Rufer of Delance Swiss Watches


  1. i love wishing wells.:) as a kid i found it magical! lol

  2. may their wishes become true.. :-)

  3. that's one good thing about walking instead of walking on the treadmill because we can see all kinds of interesting stuff and familiarized our neighborhood

  4. You got a beautiful weather for a walk, sis! Kids are always curious. I just love their curiosity.

  5. I haven't seen any wishing well in person. It's good that there's a wishing well on your place where kids can enjoy.

  6. walking is really a good exercise.. actually it's not only the body who benefits but as well as the eyes because of the views seen while on walk

  7. if i ever get a chance to wish something, i would love to get back in time and see the person i so dear.

  8. I love wishing well :) There is something unique about this thing :) Did they drop a penny and make a wish?

  9. I love wishing well too, hope to find one here.

  10. My Ykaie loves wishing on wishing wells too!

  11. I also love wishing wells. And I wish you a Happy Mother's Day!

  12. I still find wishing wells magical! Always enchanted by their design! And love the little peaked roof on this one!

  13. We have many wishing wells in our neighborhood. We like them too.

  14. We have many wishing wells in our neighborhood. We like them too.

  15. That is a charming little well.


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