Monday, January 21, 2013

Precious Moments' Nativity Scene Project

My Burrito's received some presents from their Lolo and Lola here in the neighborhood, thanks Don and Ruth.  They both have a set of craft to  assemble and .  Ms. Burrito had the Precious Moment Nativity Scene that needs painting and Mr. Burrito had the cars to be assembled and painted.  We did that during their  school vacation.
We put them away  and plan to display them next Christmas.  The painting job isn't  perfect but still precious because  it's one of the projects that we did as a family.  I love it when my Burritos are in the zone for doing stuff such as this.
Ms. Burrito  named one of the shepherds Zola.  Kids are funny.


  1. This is so precious. Now that I have grandchildren and great grandchildren, I taken back to my own kids eary days, and doing crafts like this with them that are so meaningful and fun. You are a good mom!!

  2. I always played a king, myself...
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. The nativity set will become one of your most prized treasures as the years go by. that's how traditions are formed.

  4. Nice project. Its good for kids to do things with their hands. Good going.

  5. Good way to keep kids busy. I love the finished product. Very pretty.

  6. Your kids are always so diligent when it comes to crafts. Great job, kids!

  7. what a meaningful project to do with your kids!

  8. I think they did a great job! It will become a prized possession, as photo wannabe said. You'll reminisce each year about when you all worked on it as a family.

  9. Wow that is gorgeous and the little kiddos surely do love it too.


  10. wow! those are really interesting projects. i bet you both enjoyed coloring those lovely precious moments characters! i hope i can do something like that when i am a bit older! :)

    thanks for joining k.i.d. and see you again soon :)

  11. great bonding time with the kids

  12. awesome job .. Si Kyla mahilig mag name ng toys nya ..


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