Tuesday, January 8, 2013


These are the snowmen that we  have collected over the  past seven years.  Some are store-bought, some are  given, some of it I won at an auction site, and some are prize from giveaways.  
From my family to yours,  have a peaceful, blessed and prosperous new year!  Thank YOU for being part of our family's life online!  
I thank GOD .......
for all the blessings that we have received this year, 
for all the wonderful people  that I met that taught me lessons,  
for  all the trials and difficulties that we have  gone through and survived, 
and for every little things that  made a great impact  in our life as family.
Thank YOU GOD for everything!


  1. Love all the adorable snowmen and perfect for Ruby ^_^ ~

    Happy New Year to YOU ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

  2. That's quite the collection of snowmen. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful New Year!

  3. I love your SNowmen!!!! I collect them, too.... mainly becasue I love snow so much! Thanks for visiting my site and your kind comment, and HAve a very happy and blessed new year!!!!!

  4. Congrats for a happy 2012, sis! :)

  5. What a lovely snow man collection, Rose.I love the picture frame.
    Happy New Year to you and your family. God bless us all! :-)

  6. That's a cute collection-wow that's good you won some of it and you don't spend any penny.Happy New Year!

  7. Ay, kaka-cute naman ng frosty collection mo. Happy 2013 to you and your family. If only I have Snowman to send you, then ang saya siguro, meron lang ako Scarecrow. LOL

  8. My son just bought him a snow man from the thrift store and it is cute. i put it under our Christmas tree.Snow man is one of my favorite Christmas tree decorations.

  9. Happy New Year!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  10. Cute collection of snowmen. Happy New Year! ABC Wed. Team

  11. cute :) so you are a snowman collector. those are cute ornaments

  12. You have quite a collection of snowmen in your family. They so delightful.

    My Ruby Tuesday 2 is at:


    As The New Year Dawns, 2013

    It seems to me the year goes by,
    With such amazing speed,
    The new year is upon us,
    And the world is filled with need.

    We make such strides in many ways,
    Yet atrocities abound,
    Wars rage on about the globe,
    There seems no common ground.

    Politicians promise many things,
    That are forgotten through the year,
    If there was just a single thing,
    To which we‘d willingly adhere!

    Resolutions come and go,
    As fast as minutes on a clock,
    And when a tragedy befalls our world,
    We’re in a state of shock.

    If only we would pause and think,
    Each and every one,
    Of ways to make life better,
    Before the new year has begun.

    Change has to start within,
    With regard for our fellow man,
    With our doing a little bit,
    Each and every time we can.

    Open up your hearts,
    To those outside your sphere,
    Every child and man and woman,
    Could make a difference here.

    For me, it’s been a special year,
    In which my dreams came true,
    I’ll cherish all the memories,
    As I bid this year adieu.

    I pray the year to come will hold,
    Days full of joy and peace,
    When people have enough to eat,
    And wars will finally cease.

    I wish you every happiness,
    You help to make my life complete.
    I hope before this new year ends,
    We have a chance to meet.

    Best wishes for love, health, success, happiness in 2013.

    Carmen M. Henesy

    Copyright (c) December 31, 2012 by Carmen Henesy
    All rights reserved.

  13. You have such an awesome collection of snowman novelty items. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  14. These are cute. Hope you had a wonderful New Year celebration. Wishing you all the best in 2013.

    Liz (yacb)

  15. What a great collection Sis. Looking forward to see your growing Snowmen collection for the coming years.

    Happy New Year to you, your hubby and the Burritos! Hugs!

  16. Cute captures of the snow people.

  17. Nice collection :-) I started to collect swarovski crystal ornaments but stopped. I think I need to go back into collecting :-) Happy new year!

  18. «Louis» wishes you and your family all the best this New Year!

  19. Wonderful collection.
    Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year!

  20. Love your collection! I have a little snowman ornament with my name on it I display each year. It is one of my favorite ornaments. take care, Darlene


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