Friday, December 14, 2012

New Light Fixture

Hubby and I are planning to work on our bathroom the whole day tomorrow.  This project is  taking so long to finish because my husband is  at work on weekdays.  We already  installed the new  sink and vanity and tomorrow we will be putting the  medicine cabinet.  We bought a new medicine cabinet but we returned it because it was damaged.  I talked my husband into using  our old one as it is still in great condition.  We painted it  and it looks  like a newly bought  cabinet.  We are however using the new lights and fixture that we bought as we both don't like the old one that we have.  We bought a set of replacement light bulbs and well install it tomorrow as well.  I hope that we could finish it so I could clean up the house before Christmas.  I am getting tired of seeing the tools in the living room.  I can't wait till it's done so I can   put my personal touch to it.   How I wish  I know how to work on  big projects like this so  I could work on it when my husband is at work.  It is very hard to wait for a certain project to finish especially if it's a bathroom.  I am just glad that we have another  bathroom that we can use while we are working on this one.  


  1. Lighting fixture gives a whole perspective design on our home, its important that we choose the right one

  2. sounds like a busy day for you guys. Hope you get your lighting installation done in no time so you will still have a lot of time to bond :D

  3. wow.. kayo lang ni hubby ang nagaayos? galing naman its a good bonding moment..:)

  4. WOW! You do those things together? That's really nice, you get to bond and fix the house at the same time.

  5. there are many things that needs repair in our home, good for you because you have already started.

  6. same here, sis! we have been replacing lights and repainting the house, but it's far from over! wish it could be done soon!

  7. I am sure it will look wonderful once it is done mommy Rose. Lighting is sure important in every rooms of the house. :)

  8. that's a good way to start the new year..


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