Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sequence of Three

Watching a movie with the Burritos and Champ
My husband believe that everything comes in threes in his life whether it's a good luck, bad luck, death, and other events.  Here are the series of  not-so-good events at our home.
  1. Sometime in October ,  our truck broke down so that cost us an arm and leg for the  repair.  There are parts in the engine that were replaced.
  2. Then few weeks after that, the plumbing system at commode got clogged.  We tried the best we could to unclog it but it did not worked so we had to call a plumber.  I think he worked  on it for 15 minutes and he charged us almost  five hundred  bucks... argghhhh.
  3. I thought for sure that my broken budget  will count as the third bad event but I was wrong because last weekend, my computer crashed!  Oh no, not again...  
So now, my computer is at the Computer Rescue Repair.  I don't know when the technician will be able to   finish it.  I am currently using my husband's super slow PC, whew.  This would explain why my photo is not related to the  above events.  All the photos I have were downloaded on my PC.  This is also the reason why my visit to other blogs are limited.

These sequence of three events definitely ruined my budget plans.. sigh.

Do you have some beliefs like that of my husband's?
ABC Wednesday


  1. Well,at least the three has passed,hope you get your computer fixed soon!

  2. I hope the restore and restoration work is a success. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  3. Wishing you well ~ it comes in cycles ~ up and down and somewhere in between ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  4. OMG! that sounds like a headaches and heartaches to me hehehhee. good thing you have money saved to pay those unexpected bills.


  5. I can't blame your husband sis! If he has observed those kinds of luck that happened in 3s for a long time now, it may have become such a routine na talaga. As for me, I don't believe in such. If something happens, I believe it happens for a reason and I may not be able to comprehend the reasons behind it but someday, I know I will.

    I hope things will get better for you, esp. budget-wise. When it comes to budget-- for me, it never gets better kasi ang daming needs eh and what comes in never increased! Lol.


  6. i don't believe on sequence of three. But I feel for you. Plumber really charges a lot. We ran out of budget if something unexpected happens.

  7. when I believe that when it rain it pours...problem comes in bulks at my end but thanks God I manage to survive little by little...

  8. I guess there are incidence that you can really say when it rains it pours. Sometimes we thought that everything is already okay and then there is always something that will happen. But good thing those already passed. Hope your computer get fixed soon though.

  9. this is my first time to hear about sequence of three.. even here in some local superstitions, i have not hear that... anyways, hope things will gotten repaired and will soon be ok at your end mommy..

  10. ouch, ouch, ouch... haist sis... life is full of surprises. i hope you'll get more blessings from the challenges you have encountered lately. cute pic of you three :D http://www.heartscontentofamama.com/2012/11/halloween-2012.html

  11. Hope everything will be alright again. It will pass, don't worry.
    Next time maybe you can buy external drive to store your pictures in case something happens to your laptop. You'll never know.


  12. When it rains it pours, they say. I have gone through similar challenges a lot of times too but things will get better for sure. Not every day is rainy day and I hope you get your lappy fixed soon. Cheers!

  13. Just like you my laptop is also under repair,waiting for the keyboard parts.I am using the laptop of my hubby but another bad thing happened,the charger was defected.So I end up using my laptop with a keyboard of a desktop.

  14. i hate the feeling when my pc was broken, i almost cried because i could not be online. he he he

  15. I know lots of people who believe (bad) events and deaths come in threes. Funny, good things and births don't seem to come in threes! So sorry you're experiencing technical difficulties. That's soooooo iRRitating!

  16. Aww, sorry to hear about the string of misfortunes you've been getting as of late, but don't worry, I hope things get better soon! :)

  17. oh wow, I think my comment disappeared. :(

    Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, I hope things get better soon!

  18. Every cloud has a silver lining, my dear! Hope it shows up sooner for you!

  19. Things can happen that we never know it will happen so there's still a reason for all of it madam Rose.

    Momgen Reviews

  20. ayay, that's sucks but what can we do? sige lang, the big chaching is coming up...opps will pouring...ehehhee!

    re: ay, hahaha...dko carry ang 21k sis...lol! kahit nga 1 mile dko kaya...hahhaa! but we registered for 5k next year..and Akesha is joining too! sama kau!

    nako sila din ni Greg may work last Monday...walang day off eh! are you guys coming for thanksgiving? hehehe!

  21. Do not worry. Every bad phase is followed by good phase in life.

  22. Oh no, I am so sorry about that mommy Rose. Like it said, when it rains, it pours. Oh dear! Those are some days and we did experience some not so good times as well. Anyway, I hope you get your computer fixed and will be up and running. My friend does believe in like when you take photos and there are only three of you, she said it is not good. I am not really much into pamahiin, but I do kind of believe some. Hope things are well on your side right now. :)

  23. oh no! hang in there, think how good it will seem when everything is fixed again!


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