Friday, October 5, 2012

Cold Season

Our little man had a fever last night but glad that  he is feeling okay now.  He still has a sore throat but he is back to his normal  self again (active and playful).  I don't like cold season because a lot of people, especially kids, gets sick.


  1. Poor boy. I never feel more helpless than when the children are sick. Even so, the little ones have to undergo several colds and infections to build up a strong immune system.Such is the wisdom of nature. Hope Winnie the Pooh is a good comfort.

  2. I hate it when the little ones get sick. BTW...your blog header is adorable!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  3. Well he has a lovely happy room to cheer him up! So bright and colourful. I hope he is better by now and thank you for contributing to Mandarin Orange Monday.

  4. It's just plain cold here, we may not get above freezing tomorrow. Cute shot!

  5. Hope everyone is feeling their best again soon!
    Thanks for visiting, and happy Pink Saturday!

  6. The cooler weather brings flu like symptoms everywhere! Hope everyone is 100 percent at your house soon! Sweet photo!

  7. Poor little guy...hope he is feeling better soon. He is absolutely adorable!

  8. ayay, poor EJ...I hope he is doing ok now..get well soon little buddy! nag flu shot ba kau every year sis?

  9. Thanks for stopping by to see my housewarming quilt. Your blog is so cute, Rose!

  10. Hi, just popping over to sat thanks for visiting me. I have enjoyed learning a little of your life and will be back again to learn more. Hope he little one is feeling better. Joan


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