Friday, July 6, 2012

Our Garden and Pets

Having pets is wonderful but sometimes they can be a pain especially when they're still pups.  Bolt and  Maximus has been busy  laying down on the veggie and flower garden.  Si I was forced to put some board to block them from getting into the veggie garden.
I can tolerate this  flower beds to get ruined because they already  bloomed but the veggies, I had to do something.  These irises are on the other side of our yard.
On the other side, the kids planted some corn, beans, and  tomatoes.  I told my kids a story about  planting corn  when I was growing up and they really want to experience that too.  So I bought a pack of corn seeds and let them plant it.  They are now big.  The photos were taken a couple of weeks ago.
Having a decent size yard is nice especially if you have kids and pets.  Not to mention that you can grow your own vegetables during  warm days.
The grass in our yard is looking brown because of the heatwaves that we have been getting. I feel bad for those WVnians at the bottom of the Northern Panhandle who got hit by the storm. I hope that they would get their electric back and goes back to normal again.


  1. What a great Yard and garden you have. Fresh veggies for the family...yum.

  2. Vegetable gardening is fun and great to involve the kids. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  3. Hallelujah for Vegetable gardens♫♪

  4. nice big yard
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. You have very nice garden and pets.

  6. If I could I would send you some of our rain !
    ABC Wednesday team

  7. We have no animals now, the first time in my life I have been without. Usually there are dogs, cats and horses also the odd ferret or snake! We have now agreed not to get any more if we want to travel, it is not fair on the animals and kennels are very expensive. Your garden is lovely. Diane

  8. Your veggie garden looks good, Rose....Christine

  9. Hello
    Your yard is so large you can sure grow a lot of veggies and flowers in there and have room for a dog and little ones also...but I do agree that pets can be a pain in the garden. They like to get into the spots they shouldn't. Thats a great idea teaching your children about growing veggies and plants.
    We've had dry spells too. They talk about rain but its not happening.
    Hope we both get some soon!
    have a great day. Thank you for your sweet comment...come back and visit again.
    Happy Blue Monday (belated)

  10. Such cute pups, even if they do get in the garden. Last year my pup kept eating my cucumbers...ha! I also had some other animals (I think chipmunks and squirrels) getting into my berries. Most of my plants are in pots, so luckily I can keep them from at least squashing down my plants.

    Hope you had a great holiday and thanks for stopping by my blog the other day for Pink Saturday!


  11. Pets and gardening don't always go together. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. Wow, such a beautiful veggie garden and yard!

  13. Lovely yard and your doggies are so cute. Great pic's. Happy skywatching!

  14. Actually, your yard looks pretty and green to me!!! Beautiful pets too. have a great week!

  15. ka sexy nang gardener....heheheh! daming alaga....:) nako sis, if you see our yard, mas brown pa jan...d kaya brown yang sa na green nga eh!

  16. what a yummy looking garden!!! happy weekend!!

  17. You have a lovely garden and I can see why you would want to protect your veggies from them. Enjoyed the photos, thank you.

  18. i'm sure the pups want some cool greenery to lie in. :)

  19. It is hard to have pets and plants in the same back yard- but yours is fairly large so maybe it will work out! I hope your garden continues to grow. Cute pups!

  20. Your yard is of a very good size for a doggie to roam and run around all day (if he wishes :)

    The grass may be brown but your crops just love the hot sun!

  21. Your garden looks great. Good thing you fenced it off from those cute canine critters of yours!

  22. Our garden is totally fenced so the dog can't get to the veggies!

  23. You have a good-looking vegetable garden and I like that the backyard is so flat. Ours is flat at first, then goes downhill.. haha. It's OK. We have a lot of privacy so we are happy.

    Happy Saturday and happy shadow seeking this week!

  24. Your yard is a lovely and well-tended as your house. Beautiful

  25. Lovely garden you got.Enjoy your sunday!


  26. wonderful gardens

    I love how much room the pups and kids have to run and play

  27. Great pictures you show from your garden. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Wishing you a great new week. Hanne Bente

  28. You have a great yard. Love how you put this post together.

    Y is for You

  29. You're lucky you have a space in your home for a vegetable garden. That is something we'll never get to experience because we're living in a condo. And pets are not allowed, too, here. I'm sure both your pets and your garden make you and the kids happy.


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