Saturday, April 14, 2012

Curb Appeal Touches

Our Easter break was spent in working on our front lawn. In our quest to add some curb appeal to our newly built porch, we decided to buy a ton of rocks at Morreli Bros.  It cost  $90 for a ton and to have it delivered, we have to pay $65 plus $25 for fuel.  I was a little confused when they told us that we have to pay for the fuel.  Isn't it included when you charge a fee for delivery??  

Anyhow, hubby and I decided to just haul the rocks with our truck.  It's cheaper that way.  Not to mention that we only live 10 minutes away from the place.  I think it's a rip off that you have to pay doubled to have it delivered.  Luckily we have a truck and it save d us $90.  Granted we spent 10 dollars for gas but still, it's a big savings of $80, whew!
The grass at our front yard got damaged during the  construction of our porch so I tried to use the  grass that we removed from the place where we ut the rocks.
The kids  work as hard as we did in laying the rocks.  Of course Mr. Burrito has to supervise while we work hehehe.
Ms. Burrito is a hard worker, no matter what task you give her.  My husband always say that she is a lot like me, once I started doing something, I don't want to stop.
It looks a lot nicer now when we are pulling at our driveway.  The white rocks really add some touches to the over all look of our house.
It would be so much prettier  if we hired a professional landscaper  but with the  money we spent, it's worth  it that we did it ourselves.  It's a great feeling  when we are at our front lawn and  passers by will stop and compliment us about the new look of the house.  I just hope that the snow we  got last night won't kill the plants that we planted, fingers crossed here.

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  1. Everybody is busy ah ..Pretty sya no need na sa prof landscaper =)

    1. Thanks Mona, besides, won't hire one, kakatakot ang presyo lol.

  2. Looks beautiful! Maybe you have the gift, Rose, for landscaping. Just dropping by to say hello. Thanks for visiting us!

    1. Thanks Mai, trying hard to desing our lawn hehehe..

  3. i would say that the landscapers did a great job here, galing naman! with the supervision of your little burrito, there is no doubt, you finish it well. excellent job!~ btw, a bit confusing nga for the charges, hehe.. buti nalang you are a smart buyer.. a big savings in your end.

  4. Great blue sky, - the weather is great?
    Happy SkyWatch to you!

  5. Beautiful photo for SWF!It looks like a lot of work!
    Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!

  6. Your lawn and landscaping look lovely. You did a great job with the rocks and saved money. Great shots, have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Kudos to you and your family for a job well done!!Ang galing naman^_^

  8. Wow..its look very beautiful. Its a valuable moment to spent with family too..

  9. beautiful rocks Sis :-) you have a beautiful place :-) the picture of your son made me smile...he was a supervisor :-) Dropping by from CC.

  10. What a job but worth it, right? I think it looks beautiful. Great job. xo Nancy

  11. I think it looks very pretty! You and your family did a fantastic job. It must have been a lot of hard work, but worth it in the end!

  12. Yes, your house looked a lot better with the white rocks in your front yard. Again, that was a labor of love for the whole family. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  13. this would bring a lot of great memories for you and your kids ;D

  14. Great pictures you show.
    Wishing you a good weekend.
    Hanne Bente /

  15. I love those big rocks! It really made a difference -- looks great!

  16. I love those big rocks! It really made a difference -- looks great!

  17. nothing beats a family that works hand in hand...mas masarap talagang tingnan pag pinaghirapan ...

    visiting from Mommy Moments...You might wanna check churches and history

  18. I'm going around visiting everyone on today's PINK SATURDAY list.....with my hot cup of coffee, of course! Just wanted to let you know that I was here! Have yourself a great weekend, and stop by my place if you've the time!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  19. Wow mommyRose, you have a beautiful house! It's beautifying your lawn 101. Nagjoin forces talaga kayo ni Ms. Burito.

  20. Your lawn looks so neat and tidy. Great job! Have a great weekend!

  21. Extraordinary effort! You have really given your home some street character!

  22. What a fun project for your family and the end result is beautiful!

  23. Great job! And your kids and take pride in helping achieve this masterpiece. Hope the snow didn't kill your new plants...

  24. Beautiful touch up for the house,
    it adds color the the garden

  25. Wow - your yard and garden are gorgeous! That was sure a lot of work - but oh so worth it!
    Great shaDOWS for the week as well!

  26. you guys did a good job in beautifying the front yard, late visit for CC last week, mine is up at,

    see you there!!!


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