Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tooth Fairy

This is one reason why I asked my daughter to stop blogging for a while hehehe. I have stuff to blog that I don't want her to read lol.  Anyhow, when she lost her  first tooth, she left a note under the pillow.  So when we sneaked in her room to get the tooth, we found it.
She  wrote and asked the tooth fairy how she look like.  My husband did the sketch lol.   Ms. Burrito was  very happy to see how the tooth fairy looked like.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Thats so cute! How much did the toothfairy bring? The cost of teeth has gone up! My granddaughter gets $5 a tooth. My T post is teeth too!

  2. How cute. Bringing back dear memories!

    T is for...

  3. Wow, $5! My daughter gets a $1 coin.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Hahahah, our daughter get $2 each tooth.

  5. It's always exciting when the Tooth Fairy comes. Love your hubby's drawing of her!

    abcw team

  6. Your Hubby is such a Honey. Great sketch and cute toothless smile.

  7. Hubby is artistic! How CUTE too, that your daughter left the tooth fairy a note that required a response!

  8. i'm sure she'll be lovelier than that of the fairy in the foto:)


  9. Tooth fairy! Pinakapaborito ko ngayong imagination :) This is quite a charming experience for Ms Burrito sis. And the Dad can draw.

  10. Your husband is quite the artist. One almost suspects he must have seen the fairy to be able to draw her picture...! ;)

  11. The sketch is very pretty and your daughter is adorable!

  12. My daughter is nine and still believes, but I worry the revelation is not far off.

  13. i can just imagine your dawty's reaction :D you're very thoughtful parents :)
    Our Family



  14. Hello.
    This is so cute & your daughter is adorable, but she has expensive teeth! lol
    Thanks so much for sharing. I appreciate the visit too.

    A Trembling Flower And You

  15. That is very sweet. Looks like the tooth fairy gave her a nice set of teeth too! Thanks for stopping by.

  16. Fun shots of your daughter and the tooth fairy drawing.

  17. Hi There ~ Nothing cuter than a child with missing teeth. Love that your husband did a sketch of the Tooth Fairy. I have a ton of stories about the Tooth Fairy, raising 4 children. The one that makes me chuckle, is when I had a hard time getting my daughter to brush her teeth...so when she put that tooth under the pillow...next morning she had a note from the Tooth Fairy ~ that she needed to work harder on brushing those teeth, and brush this one and put it back under her pillow the next night!....What fun us parents have, yes???

  18. Teeth is an obvious choice for "t" but "tooth fairy" is better.

  19. hahaha that's a nice drawing of a tooth fairy..

  20. I still remember with warmth finding a coin under my pillow from the tooth fairy.

  21. How much did the tooth fairy give you?

    I told my student, 10 years old she can start a blog. Will you visit her?

    I will tell her your link. her name is Jeneva.


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