Friday, November 18, 2011

Rosary Beads

Praying the rosary is often practiced by Catholics. I remember my college days, I lived in a dorm that is owned by the school. I am one of the student assistants who was assigned at the quarter where the Priest administrators lives. Fr. Mike, an SVD Priest, President of Divine Word College of Legazpi back then, would say the rosary with us (me and other three SA's) every weekend.  I actually miss saying the rosary, I hope that I would be able to do  it again with my kids.

But anyhow, the four of us here at home has it's own rosary beads.  These were all given to us by friends.
Please check out my Free Scrapbook Software , a $50 value  Thanksgiving GIVEAWAY.


  1. I think the Protestants (and I am one) miss out by not having rosaries.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. I haven't seen a rosary for quite some time. I'm sure my grandmother had one and I wonder where it got to. Love the different designs and colours of yours.

  3. Beautiful rosaries and what a wonderful choice for R!

    R is for...

  4. Very unique choice for the letter R. You have lovely beads and its a great prayer reminder.

  5. I am no longer Catholic myself, however just like my Grandmother did with her Rosary Beads and she remained being a Catholic for many years, she made her first Rosary out of a necklace, my sister made my last rosary out of a necklace for me 3 years ago.

  6. Yes sometimes I pray the rosary sometimes not. I should do it everyday ^_^
    Thanks for the visit!

    R- Red Rays

  7. Yes sometimes I pray the rosary sometimes not. I should do it everyday ^_^
    Thanks for the visit!

    R- Red Rays

  8. I haven't seen many and did not know they could be so colourful!

  9. I am a protestant, but I have heard people praying the rosary. I know it now by heart but I think a real prayer coming from the heart is more valuable for me. Besides we don't pray to Mary, but to God in Jesus' name. We admire Mary as the mother of God's Son. She has suffered so much when her son was killed.Of course if people want to pray a rosary, do so. You won't harm others. Your rosaries are very beautiful. We all pray "Our Father...",the prayer Jesus gave us.

  10. Rosary is a must for my daily life but sometimes I did not make it too. Pardon me.. the rosary beads of yours look beautiful. Currently, I have 3 sets of rosary beads with different colour hehhe

  11. Your rosary beads are beautiful.

  12. The rosaries are all beautiful. Great that you all have individual rosaries. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  13. di pa ako naka sali sa give away mo Rose. hopefully mamaya...balikan ko na lang hehehe

  14. I like the bigger one para hindi nakakalito paghawak ;)

  15. Praying the rosary can be done by anyone and it is calming! I think the Hail Mary is one of the most beautiful prayers ever. Yours are just lovely. Blessings, Nancy

  16. Your beads are beautiful and what a sweet friend who gave them.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    The French Hutch

  17. Your beads are very pretty. I knew they wore them, but not this pretty.

  18. Your rosaries are so colorful. I have a lot too and I like to carry one in my purse. It's like my guardian angel....Christine

  19. Well, I can hardly believe it is Thanksgiving already. Seems like we just planted our flowers...I am so very thankful for many ways God has blessed me...I give HIM all the Glory!I ask for many blessings to come your way through this holiday season!

  20. really colorful! kami din when I was in highschool...rosary all the time...I have one in my wallet....:)

  21. I'm Catholic too and collect rosary beads. Have to admit that if I say a rosary it's usually because someone has died or I'm praying during a crisis... I said a Hail Mary for someone today though and it was a comfort. God bless. Jennifer

  22. Those are really cute!

  23. Happy Pink Saturday. Very nice way you photographed the beads w/pink. I'm not Catholic, so I can't relate to the beads, but the Lord is always available for our hearts and prayers.
    PS thanks for coming by on Blue Monday recently and leaving me a note.
    Thanks, Jenn

  24. a nice shadow shot; and colourful too

  25. Having gone to boarding school with Dominican nuns, I am used to seeing those simplistic rosaries they would flip in circles as they walked. These are so pretty and way more appealing to the eye. Everything seems to change over time...even rosaries. genie


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