Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kids Playing Chess

Our six year old daughter is getting good in playing chess. She can play good game against my husband. She is also teaching our son how to play.
She tried to teach me but I am not into chess really lol.  Good thing, she is like my husband who  ca play chess unlike me.
Mr. Burrito is not really interested in playing chess but they agreed that if he would  play chess with her, they would play superheroes later on.
 Sometimes, when I listen to my kids I laugh because  they talk to each other like adults.

Wishing y'all a  great week ahead.


  1. I love playing chess too and I recommend this game to everyone especially with kids. It enhances the brain to think with all the strategies that goes with the game.

  2. brilliant mind u got there, ryelie. don't even know a chess piece :)

  3. Oh how nice! She needs to teach me too, lol...Christine

  4. Me too di ma accept nang utak ko ang rules lol! Bingo nalang hahahaha. Rye could be train well Mommy Rose kasi nakipaglaro na sa kanyang daddy, may potential talaga yan. ^_^ Happy Monday!

    My Blue

  5. I could never learn that game. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Rose.

  6. wohoo! great job rye...pede paturo din si Akesh...ehehhe!

  7. Cute photos. I love their costumes.

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  8. aw that is so cute! i hope she will not get tired of playing chess. it is really good game. =)
    mine is CLayton and his Red Car

  9. Chess is great! Good for the children :) They are lovely!
    Hope you will have a great week too!

  10. Awesome children ~ great photo ~thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy RT ^_^

  11. It's seldom that girls play chess. Most chess players are male. Maybe chess is boring to most females. Great that Rylie is good at playing chess and can already compete against your hubby. EJ though is not attracted to it just like you. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  12. Your kids are sweet! Happy blue Monday! Anne

  13. Those are some really cute super heroes in blue and yellow. That is great that your 6 year old is good at chess. I love playing games, but have never played chess.

  14. What a lovely memory to capture! I'm sure when they grow older,they'll remember this and cherish it forever. :)

    Happy RT, here's my entry

  15. she can probably beat me!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  16. Great shots of your kids. Sounds like they are good at compromise.

  17. As a child, I grew up playing checkers first, then chess. My mother worked for a physician who was a master player and he often took me to tournaments. I stopped playing as soon as I entered high school!

    Your daughter is sweet to try to teach her little brother - both chess and the art of negotiation!

    My Ruby Tuesday is at:

  18. You're raising a couple of bright little things there, aren't you!


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