Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fun on Rainy Days

Thanks to the inventor of camera because during rainy days, we have something fun to do and that is to Click.. Click. Lol! Have a nice weekend everyone!

Thanks a lot for the visit.


  1. Rylie is so adorable...Christine

  2. So looks so good.. parang model. :)

    Please visit my pink entries at Corsame Lane and Small Kids, Big Dreams

  3. She is so cute. Takes a nice rainy day photo. I don't know how we lived without digital cameras.

  4. Rylie's so cute pwede maging model, photogenic too :)

  5. A cute way to spend a rainy day.

  6. I see you are creating rainy day memories - good for you!

  7. Lovely pink pictures..I love my camera--rain or shine

  8. Relye is just too beautiful, like an little model! Thanks for coming and for the sweet comment. FABBY

  9. a most adorable pink post !
    Thank you for sharing the cuteness !

  10. Very adorable pink post! Thank you for visiting my blog, too! Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. Great to have a camera ready to click especially during rainy days. Rylie is really good at posing and she can be developed into a professional fashion model in the future. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  12. Your family is just adorable! Thank you for the Shadow Shot Sunday Link, I wasn't familiar with it. Also thank you for visiting my blog! I hope you will come back soon! Have a wonderful weekend, Marcia

  13. Those roses are gorgeous - such an unusual color!

  14. She looks like she's having a grand ol time (and she's not glued to a computer!).

  15. She is lovely! And soooo cute!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    ¤ Hope you are having a nice and happy weekend ¤

  16. You're lucky - you always have such terrific models handy, whenever you decide to pick up the camera!

  17. lol, Jillian pala First name ni Rylie ha. Cute nang winning picture nya. Paint ba yan na ni-experiment nya sa rose petals. Cute shadows.

  18. Hi Mel, it is actually a food coloring that we put inside the vase where the rose is.

  19. Your daughter is so cute!

    Have a fun week taking more photos. ;-)

  20. Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog. I agree with you about the crossroads in life and that we should never give up our dreams. I've learned that if you follow your dreams, set goals, be persistent, and never give up, you'll see those dreams happen. I've enjoyed reading your blog today and have become your new follower.


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