Thursday, August 11, 2011

Darling Friends

Despite some issues that I have been dealing with silently, I still have so many things to thank for. A Darling friend of mine from bloglandia sent me a sun Dress all the way from the Philippines.  I was surprised as it wasn't my birthday but I  received a present so thank you very much!
Before I could try on the Dress,  my Dearest Daughter  tried  it on already hahaha.


  1. aww, so cute halter dress. love it. you two are gorgeous ladies. rylie is a model. :) you're welcome rose. i don't know, nobody wants to join that giveaway and good thing you joined, and yet its cool you know.

  2. Both you and your daughter look lovely in the sundress. She is a cutie.

  3. Your friend is so generous..the dress suits you and oh look at your cute daughter she look so cute with the dress.

  4. Your positive outlook will help you get through the difficult situations.
    Cute dress gift.

  5. Hope the difficult times turn into delightful results. Lucky you to have received such a lovely gift - both you and your daughter look great in it!

    abcw team

  6. Hope you're okay, Rose. Rylie's so cute trying on your dress. :)

  7. Your Ms. Burrito is so darling.. Glad that you like:) Is it still summer there, hihi? Love all your smiles, you made my day!

  8. thank you for the banner, hihi.. :) too sweet of you dear...

  9. great snaps and post. Have a great week and weekend

    Pheno, ABCW Team

  10. What a 'darling' post! Your daughter is so funny too wear your dress and that you both have the same pose!

  11. Hi Ate Rose lucky you, generous friend. Parang sirena si Rylie sa haba ng damit, BTW sabay ata tau nagbakasyon., last week of Mongolia kami nagtungo. :) BTW our address is still the same.

  12. It's a beautiful dress! Thanks for showing.

  13. Congrats to you. I wish I had a friend like yours :). Nice dress!

  14. Hello.
    What a nice & thoughtful gift. You look lovely. Your daughter is cute with her model attitude.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for the visit too. I appreciate it.

    Enjoy the rest of the week!

  15. Darling Daughter in Dress is so cute!!

  16. I love the shot of your daughter in the sundress. You look great in it too.

  17. A surprise present is always nice.

  18. wow! sweet naman...:) ganda nang model.

  19. Thanks for answering! :) Cute photos! LG Tina

  20. Nice to meet you from ABC's. Cute little girl you have ;) I pray your days get a bit better!

  21. You have such wonderful blogger friends who have been so good to you. Whatever issues you are presently involved which have affected you, it's wonderful to receive great gifts from your friends. As they say, for every cloud, there is a silver lining. Both you and Rylie are sexy in that fitting dress. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  22. Sweet friend!Minsan ka na lang makakakita ng tunay na friends~she's for keeps!^_^

  23. your daughter will just have to wait to wear the dress.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  24. What a lovely gift - and a great friend and beautiful daughter!

  25. beautiful post.. beautiful gift.. :-)

    Someone is Special


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